Date with Calum

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Calum😻: Are you doing anything tonight?
me: I might be going over to my sisters for a little, but I am not sure, why?
Calum😻: Cancel it.
me: What? Why? Are you okay?
Calum😻: I am fine. I have surprise, be ready by 6:30, we're leaving when I get home.

I sigh and get up from the couch. I hate surprises. He KNOWS I hate surprises. I quickly run up the stairs to our shared room and look for something to wear. I decide on a black and white, tight dress that goes to my mid thigh. I lay it on my bed with some black heels and check the time to see if I have enough of it to shower. I check my phone and it's 4:00 so I quickly get in the shower.

I wash my hair and body, quicker than usual, seeing as my long hair takes forever to dry and I don't have much time. Once I get out, I start to towel dry my hair. I put my favorite matching bra and underwear on, and then start my makeup. I don't usually wear tons of makeup but I decide tonight might be special. Once I am almost done with my make up it's 5:00. I put my dress and shoes on, finishing up my makeup with some powder. Then straightening my long hair.

Seeing as I have almost an hour and a half I turn some music on. I look in the mirror and I have to say, I look damn good. I am really self conscious about my body, and I was surprised by what I saw to say the least. I sit around on my phone and listen to music.

It's six o'clock and I hear the front door slam shut.

"Calum?" I yell confused.

"Yeah I got off a little earlier," he comes in our room, looking me up and down with wide eyes.

He doesn't say anything which makes me start to worry. Is it too much? Is it not enough?

"What is it? Should I change?" I say quickly, starting to worry.

"No, no fuck. You look so good," he says breathless. "I am going to get ready really quick and then we will go."

"Okay," I smile.

Now I can't help but wonder where he is taking me. I never thought to ask him what I should wear because what if we are going somewhere for a picnic? I could be totally overdressed. I am worrying too much, Calum already said I look fine.

I sit on our bed and wait for him to finish getting ready. He comes out of the bathroom, and he looks amazing. He is wearing a suit and his hair is perfectly styled. Calum never, ever wears suits unless we are going to an award show. This should be great.

"Wow," I say staring at him, I am not sure for how long.

He smirks at me,"Let's go babe."

He holds the bedroom door open, indicating for me to go out first. Being the gentleman he is, also so he could look at my butt.

I grab my purse and my phone off the charger. Then we get into the car.

"Where are we going?"
"You'll see," he replies smirking, but not taking his eyes off the road.
"Cmon Cal you know I hate surprises," I pout.
"It's okay. You'll like this one babe."

I sit there continuing to pout. Calum notices and grabs my hand, squeezing it slightly. I smile and he notices but doesn't say anything, he just smiled to himself.

We start pulling into my favorite restaurant and I turn to him.


"Awe Cal, thanks I love you so much, that was great."
"I just thought I should treat my princess every once and a while. Also I haven't been see you as much."

We enjoy our food and he pays even though I tried to. We quickly get up and start walking out, he is standing behind me, with his hand on my lower back. He whispers into my ear,"you look so good tonight."

I don't know what to say so I just keep walking. He slides his hand further down my back and squeezes my bum.

"Calum!" I squeal.

He doesn't say anything but he laughs.

"It's not funny," I say trying not to laugh but failing.

He just pats my butt before getting into the car.

"You looked so hot in that dress tonight," he pauses. "But it's going to look so good off."

The car ride home is quiet and suspenseful. You get out of the car, and the second you both get inside and Calum closes the door, he pushes you against the wall and starts kissing out roughly.

The rest of your night was amazing.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 18, 2016 ⏰

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