Chapter 18

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The big day arrived for the doctor to come and do the blood collection. It wasn't something the gargoyles were crazy for, but it was something necessary for them, should anything really serious happen to them. Something that would help them to survive to sunrise.

Broadway cooked up a giant-sized meal for them all, as they all had to have the energy and such for a good blood collection. It was all healthy foods too.

Sil ate with the clan too. He was all too happy to eat a big meal to just keep his raging hunger silent. He knew what they were going to do tonight though. He still didn't know if he would partake in it just yet.

Because of the blood collections, there would be no patrolling tonight. The clan would most likely feel really drained after it all.

About midnight, the doctor, Dr. Sato, who had once been Elisa's doctor, was also the clan's doctor now too. He arrived for the four-month blood donation program this night.

"Dr. Sato, you also have a new patient tonight, that he might partake in the event too." David explained. "This is SkekSil, Lord Chamberlain." He introduced the man to the Skeksis.

"You're not a gargoyle, are you?" Sato asked.

"No. Am Skeksis. I hear of this blood program you do with gargoyles. Skeksis never do any such thing before." Sil explained. He was still nervous about this.

"Well, you just watch what I do with the clan, and you can decide if you want to. I can always come another night." Sato declared.

"With him, you can come in the daytime too. He is active in daylight hours too." David stated.

"Good. Well, I must now get started." Sato said.

The clan all awaited the business that had to be done. It wasn't something they loved doing but wanted to be on the safe side of things.

Goliath went first. He underwent a physical exam first. They couldn't be stressed before this could happen. His pulse was taken, his blood pressure taken, his lungs listened to, etc.

Then, Sil watched as Sato tied a band around Goliath's right bicep and he made a fist. Sato located a good vein, and it was cleaned with alcohol. Sil smelt the scent and didn't like it.

The needle was inserted into the vein. Goliath barely winced, not looking. A bag hung overhead to begin collecting the blood.

"How much get collected?" Sil asked.

"A pint of the blood." Sato replied.

Sil watched as Goliath's blood was drawn into the bag. Now it was on to the next gargoyle.

He did Brooklyn next, as the second in command. He underwent the exam and such first. Then, he too was hooked up as well.

It went on that way with every gargoyle. It took ten minutes for each gargoyle to get enough blood drawn into the bags. Just a pint from each of them.

Afterwards, when each one was done giving their blood, a pressure bandage was wrapped around their elbow area. Then, they were moved to a different chair to recover a little bit. They also were required to eat something and drink some water. The clan wasn't too bad after giving blood.

"Well, you've now seen what all I do with this program of collecting it. The blood will all be looked at later and stored in a special freezer and used when it's needed. Of course, strictly for the one that needs it." Dr. Sato explained. "You think you would be willing to do it too?"

Sil looked at the clan, Brooklyn more so.

Brooklyn could tell his friend was concerned. "We're all fine, Chamberlain. You will be too. It's not that bad." He tried to coax him.

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