may 18th, 2021 at 12:07 am

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dear notes,

im back, I thought that this would be a one time thing. unfortunately I have only this place to go to when I want to talk. 

things have been getting worse, like usual. I wish I had bunches of people to go to when things get like this. ive always been alone, ive had friends and still do but I just cant open up to them more then I already have, I feel so bad like im burdening them or whatever. 

my mind is always exploding with pain and regret, it probably won't ever stop. I wish to be different so much. why must I be the one enduring my pathetic life. my heart aches so much for those ive lost and those that are permanently gone. but thats a story for another time. 

ill keep it short today, I just wanted to talk. I know this is just in my notes, but im beginning to really enjoy talking with you, or maybe im just slowly losing my mind

this life is so unfair. in every single little thing. like yes I get it, life isn't fair. but must it be this unfair for literally everything? like im not even exaggerating, literally. EVERYTHING. 

anyways, like I said ill keep it short. dont want to bore you, notes app. 


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⏰ Last updated: May 18, 2021 ⏰

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