Chapter 3

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Ethan's POV

Gosh why is it so hot in here?!?!

I walk into the Theatre room with sweaty palms. I really do love the show Hairspray. Zach Efron did amazing as Link in the 2007 version.

Oh my gosh no body expects me to be here. Why am I here?!?! Its not like I'm going to get Link! Its worth a shot  I guess.

I look around the class a try to figure out who I can sit by. I see Matt, and choose to sit by him. As I walk over to him Im pushed back when someone walks into me.

"Oh sorry!!!" She says

I look up to see Codie and a few of her friends. She starts to walk away before I can say anything.

As she passes I get a whiff of her dirty blond hair.

Coconut. It suits her.

We all take our seats and listen to our director, Mrs. H. She starts to talk about the audition process but my eyes stray from her to Codie. I don't know why but her hair fascinates me. It has natural blonde and brown streaks , ones that celebrities would pay a lot of money for. But she gets it for free.  Its natural.

One time she straightened it, I complimented her on it at our lockers, "It's the genetics" she said awkwardly. Ha, I like that in a girl. She is humble.

She is different. I can tell.

I turn my attention back to Mrs. H. Basically we are going in, singing a song, changing into different clothes for the dance try out, then back into our "fancy" clothing. The nice clothing gets you extra points for being professional about it. A lot of extra points.

I get changed into my "fancy" clothes. I think I did well on my song and dance. I mean my father is a chior teacher. Hopefully he taught me something throughout the years about breath control. And I have no clue what happened with dancing

I walk out of the boy's dressing room and hear a blood curdling scream from the girls dressing room.

Suddenly, Kendall walks out, crying.

" WHO TOOK IT?!?!?! WHO TOOK MY BLAZER?!?!? " She screams at all of us.

I hide because I can't stand her and she's always all over me. She starts accusing people left and right. Finally, a boy, James found it. It had been in the boys shower, there for people to dry off  from a shower  or dripping with sweat. Its disgusting.

Kendall starts bawling because her new $50 blazer had been ruined. I look over to see Codie, Gemma, Jamie, and Delilah trying to obtain from dying of laughter.

Codie gives off gestures to her friends. The gestures suggest that she was the one to hide the blazer

I mean, it was Codie, no one I know ,that is sane enough, has the balls to go into the opposite sex's shower and just hang a jacket there.

I chuckle
I knew I liked something about her.

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