This Shitty Thing That We Call Life

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The worst part isn't having a shitty life, it's not having anything to show how shitty it is. To all of the emotionally/mentally abused, manipulated, and gaslighted kids, if you wish that your parents or boyfriend/girlfriend left you with cuts, bruises, or scars, they've already hurt you. I know how fucking hard that thought process is, wishing that they'd just leave a mark, so maybe, just maybe, someone might see and maybe, just maybe, start asking questions, and then feeling like your majorly fucked up for wishing that you could have another kind of abuse, for the implication that physical abuse is easier to get out of. But you aren't, and you don't think that it's easier to get out of, it's just easier to spot. You can ¨accidentally¨ push a sleeve past a scar or let a bruise show by mistake if you have a plan and need someone to catalyze the process. But you can't do that with mental abuse, you have to be the one to speak up about whats happening, and thats so fucking hard. So wishing that you had a way to signal someone what's happening ¨ by accident¨ isn't awful, or invalidating, or cruel, or anything like that. If the abuse is so large of a problem that you feel someone else should know, and are looking for a way to get someone else to know, then they've left more scars on you than you know. It's a nasty path, that mindset, and i'm telling you, you will rip yourself apart if you start down it and i love you too much to watch happen. I'm not going to tell you that everything is going to end with a happily ever after, because thats what everyone says and i just get so fucking sick of it. Life is shitty, thats just the way it is. We always read stories about the victim who gets saved by the love their life, whether that be the mysterious bad boy or a cocky quarterback. But we never hear about those that are suffering in silence, those that have nothing to show for their pain. And while we don't have mark to show our pain, we are fucking survivors because we're still here, and don't even think about leaving the rest of us here while you fly on up there like the angel that you are. If you feel like no one out there understands what your going through, your wrong. I'm right next to you in this shitty thing that we call life, so feel free to DM me at any time. No matter your sexuality, gender, race, beliefs, or religion, know that i love you and am here if you ever happen to need me. 

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