Chapter 10: Good Looks are Useful Sometimes

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Adrien Agreste sighed wearily as he felt the gazes practically bore holes in his back. The giggles and hushed whispers made it clear that the girls were still following him.

Just around 10 minutes ago, after Adrien de-transformed and fed Plagg a stinky piece of Camembert, he found a fast food restaurant with free Wi-fi. It felt somehow wrong to stand outside the door and use their internet connection without paying for food, but he didn't have any Japanese currency on hand, and using euros will probably attract attention, which is the last thing he needed as a runaway fugitive.

So Adrien searched up the Northern route to U.A. high school, just as he promised Ladybug. It was quite a distance.

Then he noticed a group of around 7 teenage girls staring at him. He turned his head to look at them, and they all started squealing and giggling.

Adrien tried to ignore them, but after walking for a while, the girls still didn't stop following him.

Normally he could tolerate the ever-existent stares of fans and random people, but stalkers and paparazzi were really annoying. Plus, he needed to find Ladybug at the hero school and catch the akumatized villain as soon as possible.

So he stopped in his path and turned around. The girls practically flinched at his sudden movement, as if a tree they were staring at suddenly burst to life.

"May I help you?" Adrien forced a slight smile.

The girls looked shocked.

"What's wrong?"

"No, it's that... we didn't know you could speak Japanese so well." One of the shorter girls said.

Then after a bit of high-pitched whispering, the tallest girl in the group stepped out.

"Sorry if we bothered you, but may we take a picture with you?" She asked shyly, her voice barely louder than a whisper.

"Sure," Adrien chuckled, then did what he was best at -- photo shooting.

The teenage girls gathered around him, and the tallest girl quickly snapped a few selfies.

"Thank you so much! May I ask where you're from?" The girl asked after she showed the pictures to her excited friends.

"Paris. It's a beautiful city." Adrien smiled at the thought, an image of the beautiful red-suited, blue-eyed heroine automatically flashing in his mind, making his cheeks burn.

The girl nodded, "thank you so much for taking a picture with us. Is there anything we can do to help you?"

Adrien was about to decline the friendly offer when he saw that two of the girls were pushing bikes.

"Actually... Is it ok if I borrow a bike? I'm sort of in a hurry, but I'll be sure to return --"

Before he could finish his sentence, one of the bike owner girls shoved her bicycle towards Adrien.

"No need to return it, you can have it! Anything for a boy this handsome-- Gah! I mean, since, picture, uh, bike!" The girl waved her hands in panic, stuttering over her words.

"Uh... thanks? You sure you don't want me to return it?"

"No, no! It's totally fine." The bike girl smiled, her face scarlet.

"Yeah, it's ok." The second girl with a bike gestured towards her own bicycle, "She can ride with me, we live very close. Plus, she'll be really happy if she can do something for you, Paris boy."

"Shut up..." The first bike girl hissed quietly at her friend.

Adrien let out a laugh, surprising both the group of girls and himself. This blushing, stuttering girl somehow reminded him of Marinette, his very good friend. Marinette's kindness, determination, and willingness to help had always made Adrien feel genuinely welcomed and appreciated. She's become sort of a beam of hope in his life, pulling him out of the darkness of his family. The death of his mother, the coldness of his father... When he was with his friends, especially Marinette, those things didn't seem to matter much anymore. He could be accepted as Adrien, without becoming Cat Noir.

Adrien thanked the girls again, then started biking towards U.A.

His mind wandered to the villain they would face later. It was certain now that whatever the akumatized villain did during the cross-world teleportation, Transverser dragged Ladybug and Cat Noir with him, all the while altering all three of them to fit into this new environment, granting them the knowledge to speak and understand Japanese. Adrien had always known this language, which is why he didn't feel any change. Ladybug, on the other hand, displayed great confusion and shock.

But the French superheroes did not get a hero license as the villain did, which meant that the hero license aspect wasn't altered during the initial world jump. Transverser must've realized a license was required in this world only after he arrived here.

"But why would Transverser want to come to Japan in the first place..." Adrien thought out loud.

"I don't know, he's a weeb?" Plagg said from inside Adrien's jacket.

Adrien didn't really know or care what a "weeb" meant, and he didn't even bother to wonder how Plagg knew it.

After a while of biking and thinking, a corner of a tall, blue-tinted glass building emerged from behind the trees. Even from a distance, U.A. high school amazed him.

He biked further into the suburbs before parking his bike near a rusty building. He was behind the hill where the impressive school perched on, separated by a vast blanket of trees. The streets were quite empty, and the sun was already sinking in the west, its light splashing gold onto the landscape.

Adrien ventured into the forest, made sure he wasn't seen -- a skill he acquired from numerous transforming experiences in Paris -- and changed into his hero form.

He checked his silver staff that was also his "phone". Ladybug had not transformed back yet, as she had not left any messages nor picked up his call.

"Oh well," Cat Noir said after he sent Ladybug a message and his location, "guess I'll do some exploring. Ready U.A.? Here comes the cat."

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