☆star nursery and birth☆

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A star nursery is called a nebula which are some of the most beautiful parts of the universe that the most powerful telescope has shown us. 
The most famous of all nebulae is the horse head nebula which is shaped like a horses head.
Stars are usually made of two gases.  Hydrogen and helium. Well all know what  helium does to balloon and our voices.
Like an onion the Starbase many layers with gases moving around in each layer.
How is anstar born like our sun. Gases in the nebula gather together  into spinning balls of dust and gases.  Until they get really hot and a nuclear reaction begins and the star glows

There are four layers of the sun or the star. 
There is the surface
The connection zone that transfers hot gases to the surface
The conduction zone that carries the energy from core to space
Then we have the core

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