Chapter 2

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'Hermione you have to help me!' Harry said trying to catch up with her as they were walking to their next class, about to be late thanks to some younger students.

'Harry, I can't get you a girlfriend. You need to find someone you like and ask them out otherwise you are just going to play with some poor person's feelings.' The brunette replied.

'What if I let them know that I just want to be together for the event?' He continued.

'Harry! That's horrible, you are just going to break someone's heart!' She almost screamed at him, she'd been hoping that he would just be able to wait until the weekend and see who he got partners with, but it was Harry so that was never going to happen.

'But-' Harry began, but he should have known not to. Luckily he wouldn't get the usual lecture, just yet at least, because they have just arrived at class.

'I said no Harry, you'll just have to wait and see.'

'Ugh, fine.' He said, pushing the door to potions open and holding it open for his friend before following through behind her.


Draco wasn't having much luck either. He had tried to bring his concerns to Snape, the head of Slytherin, but he was shut down almost as soon as he had opened the door to his office.

So he came up with a new plan the next day, he just wouldn't go. And that's the plan he believed would work until he reached the door to potions class and caught up with Pansy and Blaise just as they were about to enter.

'What did he say?' The black haired girl asked once she saw her friend.

'He said no, but I do have another plan.'

'Oh do enlighten us of your great new idea.' Blaise commented sarcastically.

'I'm just gonna skip it, I'll stay in my dorm all day if I have to.'

'Draco, I don't think that that is going to work, we do go to a school for magic remember, if Dumbledore said you have to participate then I assume that he has a way to force you to participate. Why don't you just wait, Valentine's Day is two days away and then you only have to spend one day with whoever your given, you don't even have to talk or do anything. You might as well just ignore them.'

'I could do that, you're right I was stupid, now let's try to sneak in so we don't get detention.'

'Never gonna happen mate, but sure let's just be as quiet as we can.'


The three Slytherin's entered the classroom quietly hoping not to disturb anyone and found that they had walked in on everyone preparing to make a potion.

They saw the names of pairs on the board for them but no Snape in sight.

'Probably running fashionably late.' Pansy joked, the two boys laughed and studied the board to see who they had to work with, it was Gryffindor and Slytherin pairs and Malfoy almost fainted when he saw who he had to work with.


Upon hearing his name he turned to find his arch enemy looking towards him. Of course he had to be here. Couldn't have just skipped his favourite teacher's class could he.

'Oh great, you finally made it.' The sarcasm was dripping from his voice.

'Yeah, I did. So what are we even making.'

Harry mumbled something under his breath.

'Speak up Potter.'

'I said Amortentia. Happy?'

Drack stood frozen for a second before coming back to reality, why had he mumbled it?

'Okay fine, what ingredients do we need?'

'I already got all of them, we just need to grind the moonstone into powder.'

'Okay then, you do that while I review the rest of the instructions.' Was Draco's reply.

'Whatever.' Harry mumbled.

The two boys surprisingly didn't argue much, mostly because neither of them were in the mood due to Dumbledore's announcement.

Tune flew by and finally it was time to smell the potion. They had to note down their results too.

'You go first then Potter.' Draco demanded, he didn't want to even smell the potion scared of what it may be.

'Uh, okay then.' Harry mumbled yet again.

What is it with the mumbling, he's usually so cocky. Draco thought to himself.

'I smell the wood of a broomstick and...the cool night breeze.' Harry spoke quickly whilst saying the last part, he didn't want Drack to know how he went to the astronomy tower at night, that was embarrassing.

'What was that last part?'

'N-nothing.' He almost snapped at the platinum haired boy but stopped himself knowing he didn't want to deal with the retaliation.

'Oh, okay then. Uh, I smell...' Draco paused frozen in shock. He knew that the potion made you smell things you love do this couldn't be right.

'We must have done it wrong.' Draco stated.

'We haven't because I just told you what I smelt in the potion so it must work. So why do you think it's wrong?'

'I smell... Ugh, it's none of your business Potter.' And with that Draco Malfoy stormed out of the classroom and headed towards his dorm, swiftly followed by his friends.

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