Chapter one

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Chapter one.

               "Katerina are you listening to me?" "yes, mati" I say laughing "sorry I was waving the cab down. Have you told anyone other than Steve and tony I'm coming yet?" I can practadly hear her roll her eyes "technically yes, Clint knows. But I'm telling the others once we hang up. Call me when you settle in okay? You remember where your room and studio are?" sighing "yes Mati, first floor typical house stuff, second the labs, training hall and studio, 3rd rooms. The map you drew and video tours, all four make me feel like I've lived there my whole life. I gotta go. Love you mom." " love you Ангел." she says hanging up. loading into the cab and I give the driver the address.
(Mati= mother;  Ангел= angel)

looking down i see mom texted 'everyone is shocked and excited. They have loads of questions, tony is referring to himself as uncle Tony'

haha of course he is. I'm not surprised they have questions, they went from knowing that my mom, Natasha Romanoff, had her 'graduation ceremony' at the red room to now she suddenly has a daughter moving in.

In 1994 mom was doing a mission in Bulgaria for nick fury when she found an abandoned baby left out in the cold, she took one look at me and fell in love and knew I was meant to be her daughter, our appearances are similar in some ways but my Bulgarian blood definitely strays from her Russian.  I have more of  a heart-shaped face with fine bone structure, long brown curly hair, and almond- shaped, deep brown eyes with thick dark lashes. Mom is taller too, being a short ballerina is a challenge but my 'natural talent' over looks my height; so I've been told.

Paying the driver i grab my bags and head inside. Immediately going to my room i change into tights and a leotard, grab my shoes and head to the studio. Its been almost 24 hours since i last danced and my legs are aching to feel the familiar stretches and moves. After warming up i decide to work on some of my upcoming variations for 'swan lake'  and since I'm the only one here I'm going  crank the music up all the way up and really nail this variation, I want to be ahead of their expectations Monday.

Finishing the fouetté variation for the 3rd time i go to restart the music when someone starts clapping. Whipping around i see the god of thunder. "well tiny dancer, you are very good." "thank you.. sorry about the loud music, I didn't think anyone was here." "well ballerina girl" a mans voice says into my ear "we -" startled i don't think i just jump into action doing a leg wheel throw i send the man to the floor before I can punch i realize it's Loki, Thor is laughing and clapping "I told you not to scare her brother" Loki just groans "oh my gosh. I'm sorry Loki." reaching down to help him up. "well it seems you know who we are, do you care to explain why you're in our home?" He says standing.

           "I'm katerina Romanoff, Natasha is my mother. I just accepted a job here in New York and she wanted me to stay here." watching the brothers exchange shocked glances. "well that explains your fighting" Thor says laughing "welcome to the team tiny dancer." "Oh! No, I am not becoming an avenger! I accepted a position with the American ballet theatre, Mati trained me to fight in case I ever need to but I prefer dancing." Thor looks confused "mati?" you laugh "sorry, I tend to speak different languages with out even noticing. the cab driver looked so lost when I responded in Italian. But, Mati is Slovenian for mother." Thor instantly smiles "I speak Groot." Loki rolls his eyes and i laugh "well Thor, you've got me beat there. that's one I don't speak." meeting Loki's eyes he gives me a little wink "well ballerina girl, we will stop distracting you." they go to leave when I suddenly  blurt out "I just started so ill will be here for a while, but you two are welcome to come and watch whenever you want." Thor and Loki had come and gone during the next couple hours, but by the time i finished For the day Loki was the only one there. "truly I am amazed ballerina girl. You train harder and longer than we do." he says in awe while I go and sit next to him and start untying my shoes "sometimes I honestly lose track of time, I love it which is good because perfection is not an option if you want roles in the important shows." he stands offering his hand "well love, I can promise you that you are perfect." I feel myself blushing as we start walking towards the kitchen.

In the kitchen i start making a green smoothie as Thor walks in and starts talking to Loki about work stuff "I made extra if you boys want some." Saying as I pour myself a glass. Loki laughs " I saw what you put in there absolutely not." Thor looks at it, then pours himself some "how bad could it be brother? If our tiny dancer drinks it so easily it can't be awful." Biting my lip I watch Thor waiting for the reaction i know is coming. Thor takes a large gulp and immediately starts coughing "oh gods!" he yells "this taste like grass!" he looks at me as Loki excitedly says "that brother is because she put grass in it!" laughing i gasp out "its not that bad, I drink them daily. Also its wheat grass." winking at him i turn and leave the room.

           After a nice hot shower i change into my favorite nike shorts and a tee shirt, grab my headphones and head down to the kitchen to start making some dinner. Starting my music i get to work and start preparing the chicken. Looking around for the seasonings I am about to give up on them when I finally find them... On the top shelf.. shoot.

Standing on my toes i could almost reach them but not close enough, looking around i climb onto the counter, it's clear all the people who cook in this house are tall. Laughing to myself I get the spices i need and mentally prepare to jump down when someone grabs my waist and lifts me down. "Cazzo!" yelping I turn around to see Loki grinning "You scared me Loki!" he laughs "woah ballerina girl, language. I was just making sure you wouldn't fall." he teases. "I'm good at climbing stuff, the advantage of being 5'5." I say rolling my eyes turning to the spices when it dawns on me what he just said "Wait! You speak Italian?" he smirks at me "sì amore e altri." yes love and others. Going back to the chicken i smile at him "what others? I have to make sure if I gossip about you that you won't understand." winking at him.

He laughs and leans on the counter next to me. The look he gives me sends the butterflies in my stomach, there was no denying he was handsome. "well love, no more climbing just tell me what you need and ill get it. As for languages , I speak English, Italian, French, German, Latin and Russian" i laugh "well my gossip will have to be in Slovenian, Bulgarian or Romanian then."

As i cook we keep joking and flirting, mainly in Italian, when Thor comes in and sits at the bar sighing "its difficult to eavesdrop if you two don't speak English." I laugh and dish out a plate for Thor who looks at it skeptically "it's just chicken Alfredo hun, I promise." laughing, Loki and I get our plates and sit down to eat. Thor hesitates but eventually takes a bite, then ended up eating three plates.

After dinner and cleaning up the three of us sit in the living room just chatting, Loki must have noticed me starting to drift off because he stands up offering me his hand, "come on ballerina girl its time for you to get to bed." I laugh taking his hand "I won't argue there. Good night Thor." Thor smiles "goodnight tiny dancer, see you tomorrow."

             Loki walks me to my door, once we get there he looks down at me just watching me for a few seconds before he finally says "I'm happy Thor decided he wanted to come back today and I was able to meet you before the crazies come home. Goodnight my ballerina girl." he leans down kissing my cheek then turns around and heads back towards Thor. Going into my room i shut the door knowing my face is bright red. Falling asleep i can't wait for morning to see Loki again.. i definitely  have a crush, hopefully Mati will still like "superhero Loki" as she called him, when she finds out i like him.

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