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After I drop Dan off at his flat, I head back to mine, screaming with joy as the wind blows through my short hair. These last two days were the best I have ever had, considering now that I am the girlfriend of THE Daniel Campbell Smith. As I pull up into the driveway, I stop realizing what this means, having a relationship with Dan.

I would lose fans, friends, and I would get hate. I would get Dan, but he would always be on tour. A sigh of disappointment escapes my lips as I get out of my car and walk slowly to the front door. Before I could even reach out a hand to open the door, Dean opens it excitedly, a smile on his lips too big to put out.

"Hey, Dean." I say, trying not to sound sad.

"What's up, butter cup?" He asks me concerned as I walk past him. He shuts the door trailing behind me. I shake my head, walking into my room.

"Nothing, Dean." I close the door, walking to my bed, and flopping down, exhausted.


I open the door, his face was classic, forcing me to smirk, "Um, Dan got to for me." Kit's smile fades and he looks at me, worried.

"Riley, what's wrong?"

I sigh, tears forming in my eyes, "So, Dan and I are....together-"

"WHAT?! WHAT IS WRONG WITH THAT?!" Dean and Kit shout at the same time. Ignoring them, I continue.

"But the problem is that he is always going to be away on tour, I will lose fans, and I will lose friends..."

Dean shakes his head, "Who gives a crap? You have the man of your dreams, hun!" I smile as Dean wipes me tears and Kit brings me into his arms for a warm hug.

"You're right, Dean. Why the fuck should I care?!"

"There ya, go!" They cheer. Suddenly we are interrupted by knocking on the door. We all stare at each other, confused.

I push past them, walking to the door, smiling as I notice who is standing in front of me. He smiles back, taking me in his arms, hugging me tightly. I hear "awe's" from behind me and I hear Dan chuckle. He picks me up and throws me over his shoulder heading to me room, and closes the door.

Dan puts me on the bed, soft lips meeting mine. He then sits next the me, our eyes fixated on each other's eyes for a while until Dan looks down at his hands.

"What's wrong, Dan?" I ask softly as I lay my head upon his shoulder. He wraps a strong arm around me, sighing, and rubbing his chin, "Daniel?" I ask again, fairly worried.

"I don't think we are going to work out." He whispers, his voice shackey.

"What do you mean?" I try to hold back my tears so that he doesn't see me cry.

"Well, I have to go to Germany then America and my manager won't let me take you along." I stare at his face as tears start rolling down his cheeks.

"Don't tell me you're already ending it with us? It's only been a day, Dan..." He shakes his head slightly.


"Don't Riley me, Dan! We admit that we love each other and right away, you say that you have to leave?!"


"How long?" My voice grows softer as the tears finally start to fall.

"What?" Dan looks up at me, his eyes red and puffy, and his cheeks matted with tears.

"How long will you be gone?" I ask him, running a hand through my hair as I sit back down next to me.

He starts sobbing hard now, dropping his head, and cupping his for forehead in his hands, "Six months..." He weeps.

"What..." I manage to get out. I grab a jacket and run out of the house, I run down the street, hearing Dan call my name multiple times. I start walking once Dan's voice isn't audible any longer.

I chuckle at myself for being so stupid. I should have just walked away from him after I came out of the hospital. I should have flipped my lid and I should have acted like any fangirl would and scare him away. No wonder why he doesn't have a girlfriend. I am so stupid. How could I be such a fool?!

I shake my head, sighing heavily, as I shove my hands in the pockets of my grey jacket.


Grey jacket?

I don't have a grey jacket!

Slowly, I peel the fabric off my back and turn it around to see the giant wolf face staring back at me.

"God damn it." I mutter underneath my breathe. I kick a fire hydrant next to me, yelling out of pure anger and disgust. I fling Dan's jacket into the street and I walk away, feeling a bit more at peace.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 30, 2015 ⏰

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