Overprotective ?

57 8 6

It's pitch black everywhere and pin drop silence.

I had been to this place before a million times but , it was hard to leave.

All of a sudden , a pair of palms closed my eyes , as if I was playing hide and seek.

Long fingers that enveloped my eyes, I knew them all too well.

My fingers raced on those fingers that covered my eyes.

"Are you for real ?" I asked.

I did ask the same question every time.

"Please be real." I said.

And those perfect, fingers, moved, all I could see was bright titanium white light.

Some foreign things had surrounded me.

I felt a bit out of place.

Everything was in a blur.

Everything around me was spinning.

I rubbed my eyes and gained my consciousness.

I familiarized myself with the reality.

I was lying on my bed, in my room , and was asleep just before the dream or maybe , to be specific, nightmare , had woken me up.

I looked at my phone , it was already 8am.

I pushed my quilt aside and got off the bed.

I went to the kitchen and made myself , lemon tea .

Then I went to the main door and got the newspaper , in which , I was on the cover of the magazine , I just tossed it on the sofa and went and sat in the balcony.

My balcony was huge , it had a mini swing on which I sat and a table with two coushened chairs.

My phone which waa in my night pant started ringing.

Private Number.

I picked it up.

"Be ready in half an hour , we gotta go to dance practice. " Said a voice , which was Siddarth's.

" Okay. You make it sound like we have to report at somewhere for a mission !" I laughed.

"Sorry. Sleepy head , but we're already late. " he said.

" Ha. Ha. Nice nick name !" I said.

" Get ready !" He said and ended the call.

" Sleepy head !" I said to myself, a smile appeared on my face and I went to the bathroom.

After coming out , I wore a Victoria's Secret Pink , neon pink sports bra and grey tank top , which had '♥' printed on it, over it.

And wore my InSane , comfit (comfortable fitting) dark blue shorts , Allen Solly socks and Nike shoes.

I brushed my hair and tied it up in a high ponytail.

Took my Burberry glares and my I Phone.

I was all set now.

I went to the kitchen and filled a water bottle and grabbed an apple form the fridge.

That's when I got a message ,

"I'm outside your building gate. You're security is giving me goofy looks. Please come fast ! ;) "

I took yhe elevator and was off to the main gate.

He was waiting there , standing outside, leaning on his BMW i8 .

He was wearing, a grey tee and black sports pant , with his , glares on.

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