Chapter Thirty- Nine

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Alesso P.O.V

Four Months Later

It's been four months since Cam got discharged and she was moved to our room. I married her the minute she was discharged. You can tell it's been hard for her, at least I can tell. Sometimes I catch her staring blankly at the walls lost in thought.

She's been doing therapy everyday and no matter how much how much it hurts she endures it, she doesn't complain at all.

I noticed that her motivation is our son. He's growing everyday and I know she wants to be able to run and play with him when he starts that part of life.

It's time for her monthly checkup and it just happens to be Mickel's clinic day. We made a bet about color his eyes would be when he opened them. I said it was going to be brown and she said it was going to be green.

When he finally opened them , they were brown. I was so happy I won the bet and I was sure rubbing it in her face but then his one month came and his eyes started changing colors. They just got lighter and lighter, I thought something was wrong with him so I took him back to Richard but he just explained that some babies eyes and skin tone change as they grow.

At that point I realized I lost the bet I was bragging about. As his hair started growing, it became more curly, his skin tone was the same but his eyes were now green.

He's 4 months and not only has he hogged the entire house's attention, some even say he looks like a doll

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He's 4 months and not only has he hogged the entire house's attention, some even say he looks like a doll.

My wife always like to brag. "we made a good looking kid" she would say.

We're at the hospital right now. He got his shots, took his weight, his length and updated his clinic card.

Camilla got her check up, was updated on her progress, told what she had to do next and updated her next check up date.

She's progressing and he's healthy, so all I can say is life is good.

Twelve Years Later

Camilla P.O.V

"Dad, we are going to be late. The race track is probably already open" Mickel yelled after his dad.

It's like time just flew by without me knowing. I mean I don't miss the mess he made or the mischief he created and tried to hide but I do miss him being overly excited when he sees me and the drawings he did to make me feel better.

Now he's at the stage of puberty and his interest has turned to other things. For example, most of his attention has been caught on cars and bike races. Alesso takes him every time there is a race. I go to watch them a few times just to see what he finds interesting about them but some times my body can't take it so I stay back and allow them to have they're father and son time.

I was feeling better today and we haven't been out together in a while so I wanted to go with them this time. Alesso helped me dress and we were waiting on Mickel to get ready.

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