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Third Person P.O.V

"The surgery went well and there were no problems at all. The patient wasn't allergic to the anesthesia so your baby is healthy. We removed the clot and fixed all the other injuries. Now we're waiting to transport her to the private room."

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief but Alesso noticed the peculiar expression on the doctor's face,

"What's the problem then? You don't look relieved at all" Alesso asked him.

"Her prefrontal cortex was severely damaged, most likely when she took the fall from the stairs. We were so focused on the clots that we missed how badly damaged it was"

Three hours later Alesso collapsed outside the operating room from the shock of the news given to him. He majored in science during high school. It didn't take rocket science to figure out what that meant.

"What does that mean?" Nickholai was firmly grasping Eli's hands when he asked that question.

"We don't know when she'll wake up" the doctor finally broke the iceberg.

"Private room 2025 was sanitized and set up. They are moving her as we speak and you are allowed to visit her. My deepest apologies"

Vanessa and Elia couldn't do it anymore. They both collapsed while everyone just stood there shocked.

Alesso's grief turned to anger when he remembered just who was the cause of all this.

"Nevida. Find her. Now! "

That was the last thing I heard from Camilla before she passed out. I don't ow if it was the incident 5 years ago or the incident that just happened but I am going to find out.

"Get me all the information you can on where Nevida and her family was 5 years ago. I want everything. The mistake I made was not checking before but it won't slip past me now. Find out where the connection lies".

"Bianca, I want thirty five guards surrounding this hospital, ten on her floor, six outside her door and four inside the room. Get another five in the surveillance room. I want all sixty of them here in the next ten minutes. Go." Alesso gave his orders to one of their closest friends.

"Get Nevida and her entire family in that fucking basement now!"

He didn't state a name but everyone knew who he was speaking to and with that being said everyone split into pairs and took turns visiting a sleeping Camilla.

When it was Alesso's turn to see her he rushed up to her room. When he opened the door he almost cried when he saw her. It felt like he lost her again and it was a feeling he didn't like at all.

He sat down beside her and held her hand in his before bringing it up to his lips.

"Why didn't I listen to you when you tried to explain to me? Why didn't I try to understand your perspective of leaving me 5 years ago? Now because of my stubbornness and ignorance I lost you again."

"You're pregnant, with our first child and you better believe Nevida will pay for this. So I am begging you, even if you can't forgive me please do it for our child" he reached over, kissed her forehead and left the room.

It was no surprise that the information Alesso asked for came back within 6 hours. It did come back as a surprise, the data received about 5 years ago. He crumpled the papers as the blood rushed to his head.

"Nevida fucking Pablo, hats off to you for your ability to cover up your tracks, to even fool me." Alesso swore as he strode off.

When he entered the car Eli, Daniel, Henry, Nickholai, Delicia and Lucas were silently sitting in the car with Henry holding an envelope of his own.

"How did we miss this?" Alesso broke the silence by asking the group in front of him.

"Five fucking years and none of knew Nevida was behind this shit?" Henry asked"

"I lived with my sister's killer for 5 years" Eli told Nickholai.

"I lived with my wife's killer for 5 years" Alesso told himself.

"Where is she?" Henry asked

"My basement" Alesso answered

"She's also down there with them" Eli voiced

"She's safe. It's us and no one else. We stick to the plan" Nickholai soothed Eli.

"Find out who assisted her in this escapade she has tried to kill Camilla over and over again, but I assure you this is not happening again" Lucas raged.

"You guys knew all along that she was alive, why didn't you tell me? Do you how devastated I was when I thought she died? Why didn't you tell me? Why did you lie?" Alesso asked them heartbrokenly.

Each and every one of them knew how much he treasured Camilla, so to keep something as huge as her being alive from him while he was living in a repeated nightmare was a huge blow.

"Have you ever wondered why the person behind Camilla's kidnapping managed to get her so easily? They knew her schedules, her guard switch, who would be with her, they knew you weren't there. Think about it. They knew where she was, where you were and that I was on my honeymoon"

Alesso grew silent as he thought about it.

"Are you saying that it was someone close to us?" Eli finally placed the pieces together.

"When we found her in that apartment she was unconscious and bleeding everywhere but despite that she kept mumbling 'Stop. We're family' the whole time" Henry said.

"Are you saying it someone from the family?" Eli asked

Eli's parents died in his second year of high school which meant foster care was a must but Alesso asked his mom to adopt him and here he is.

"I'm saying it's someone we considered family" Henry told them.

It didn't take long for Alesso and the rest to arrive at the basement.

"Joana Pablo. Why am I not surprised?" Delicia smiled

"You 2 are acquainted I presume?" Alesso asked her.

"Henry and I went to the same high school with her. I thrashed her and my boyfriend's ass at the time after I caught them in the janitor's closet fucking each other" Delicia explained.

"Nevida. Nevida" Alesso clapped as he walked towards the 4 chaotic persons in the room, mostly to the left where Nevida was.

"I commend you on your fucking stupidity. You four had a full proof plan, well thought out but you missed one thing." Alesso said

"And what was that?" Stella asked

"Your ability to cover your tracks for a long time" Nickholai said as he glared at them.

"It's so funny how you guys were in West Virginia the exact same time Camilla was kidnapped" Eli deadpanned

Their faces immediately lost all color.

"Do explain that for me" Alesso's face immediately became cold. 

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