SCP-96 x Blind D-Class Reader

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I sat in my cell my guiding stick in hand waiting for the guards to lead me to my next location, I heard the doors open and I stood up using my stick swinging it back and forth on the ground to guide me out of the room.

"We'll grab your hand and lead you to the cell" I nodded and wrapped my arm around his, I followed his steps all the way to the cell "Get ready 3720, this is your stop" I nodded and moved in, I moved around and my stick hit a chair, I moved around and sat down as I heard sobs "Hello? Are you okay?" The sobs stopped and I turned my head to hear the noise, suddenly a pare of hands grab my arms and I jumped slightly.

I felt hot breath all over my face and I shook slightly "SCP-096 please let go of D-Class 3720" I felt thin fingers brush through my hair and I gasped softly turning my head, I felt thin fingers run down my shirt and gently end at my thighs, I gasped again and the speaker turned on "SCP-096! UNHAND D-CLASS 3720 THIS INSTANT" I heard screaming as arms picked me up and I heard a snap, realizing that he must have broke my guiding stick.

I felt wind blowing through my hair as I heard screams and sirens go off, suddenly I heard gunshots go off, a door opened and I landed on something soft underneath me as I felt around only a hand to grab mine, the fingers were so thin and soft.

I felt another hand squeeze my thigh and I gasp as the hand holding mine move to my cheek caressing it gently, then the door slid open "SCP-096 UNHAND THE D-CLASS" I heard loud screaming causing me to cover my heard, then I heard muffled wet ripping noise, suddenly something wet dripped down my arms when someone grabbed my wrist I realized it's the thin hand and It pulled me to it's chest causing me to freeze up.

"Mine~" I heard a raspy voice whisper.

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