Chapter One- First Look

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I opened my eyes. A series of flashing rays hit them. I found myself to be in a metal box. It was rising. There was a roof of this shaft. I was getting nearer. Nearer. I flinched as I hit the roof and fell to the ground of the box. The roof opened up and a figure jumped down . " Day One Greenie, Rise and shine!"

It was a girl. I couldn't see her face, my whole vision was blurred from the sudden permanent light that was shining in my face. She held out her hand to me. I grapped it wearily, not sure whether to trust this mysterious person. She helped pull me up and I climbed up out of the box to stand in a field of grass.

I looked around at the landscape nearby,there was a small goat running around the area looking like it hadn't a care in the world, the air was warm, the grass looked fresh, the trees looked peaceful. But away from the grass and trees, there stood a stone brick wall surrounding the field. It towered over me. I felt drawn to it, like it was calling me to get closer. There were gaps in the stone. They were tall, you could just step through them. I edged closer.

I heard a snicker come from behind me. As I looked around, a crowd of people stood staring right at me. At the front of the crowd, two stood out to me.
The first one to catch my eye was a small, pudgy kid. He looked so kind, and comforting. I'd never met him but he looked so familiar. 

The other person was the girl. She had her arm round the kid. Staring blandly at me. She opened her mouth and spoke in a loud voice, "Right everyone, What are you all doing standing here? Get back to your work please. Oh wait, Fry!"

One of the people stopped walking and turned to face her, "Can you and chuck make some extra food for our special guest?".

"Sure Mar!" He responded.
She turned back to me.
"I'm Amara, You, can call me Mar if you like, I'm in charge around here. That small boy over there, That's chuck, hes the best! Really sweet! The guy next to him is FryPan,we call him that 'cause hes great at cooking, " She had a grin on her face, like she was talking to an old friend, "I'll introduce to the rest later, But for now, WELCOME TO THE GLADE!! Its our home, I mean kinda. We didnt choose to live here, hard to explain. Ask Minho, he'll know, hes like, super smart! Well, hes got a great memory."She sounded out of breath after she had finished talking. "You know greenie, You're really quiet,".

"Uhh yeah, I'm just a little shocked that's all, this is all very new," I explained. I realised that I had been walking along with her across the field
and we had reached a treehouse. She nodded her head towards a ladder and started climbing, I followed after.

"Hope your not afraid of heights!" Amara said.

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