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Midoriya Izuku was currently laying on his bed in his small dorm room in uni. His back was pressed against the the soft mattress with his right hand clutching a phone next to his ear. He listened as his mom shrieked over the mobile device.

"Oh, my baby is coming home for Christmas! I can't wait. I'm so excited to see you," his mother, Inko, exclaimed through the phone, voice airy with delight. Izuku could envision the bright smile on her face in his mind.

He chuckled, "I know, mom. I missed you."

"I missed you too, sweetie. It'll be nice to have you home again," Inko spoke earnestly and Izuku's heart clenched. He had always been a momma's boy, and being separated from her for so long honestly hurt.

The door to his dorm opened with a click and a dramatic swing, making a gust of air move one of the papers he had been studying before his mum called. In walked, Bakugou Katsuki, with a bag hanging off one shoulder, supporting all of its weight. Izuku did a head nod, which Bakugou returned with a scowl. Izuku rolled his eyes at his rude roommate.

"Hey mom, I've gotta go. Love ya!" Izuku told her, not wanting to speak with her in front of Bakugou. He wasn't embarrassed of his mom, it's just that one time when he was on the phone with her, Bakugou had started talking about jerking a guy off to his friend on FaceTime. Izuku had to quickly hang up with her with bright red, burning cheeks while Bakugou smirked smugly. Arrogant bastard.

"Oh alright, love. I miss and love you too! See you Christmas," Inko replied.

"See you Christmas," Izuku echoed with a smile.

Silence enveloped the room and Izuku replaced it quickly with Pink Floyd filling his ears through his headphones. Izuku went back to studying and Bakugou... did whatever a Bakugou Katsuki does(probably watching Netflix or reading a book, Izuku has observed those are his past time activities— besides running and working out).

Izuku heard the faint outline of a voice as he read over his notes from his physics class. It made him reach over to his phone and pause the melodic tune of Breathe(in the air). "Hm?" He hummed in acknowledgement, raising an eyebrow at Bakugou.

Bakugou cleared his throat, looking a bit awkward and out of place(which was not like him at all). "So, you're going home for Christmas?"

Izuku's eyebrows furrowed from the sudden conversation. Most days, the two ignored eachother and if they weren't doing that, they were viciously bickering. It's been like this ever since the beginning of the semester, when Bakugou stepped foot into their dorm room and immediately started to demand that Izuku should move to the other side of the room so Bakugou can get the window. Izuku had already unpacked all of his stuff so he, of course, refused to do as Bakugou asked. The ash-blond threw a fit and Izuku decided right then and there that he hated an arrogant prick named Bakugou Katsuki.

"Um, yeah, I am. Are you?" Izuku inquired, eyes looking up at him through a thick mountain of lashes.

Bakugou shook his head, "no. Don't got no home to go to."

It was vague and it made Izuku's brain ding with curiosity. The green-haired man didn't know much about Bakugou; he didn't know his background or his life-story, or the, what seems to be like, broken home that he came from. But Inko raised Izuku to be polite, even to those who weren't the kindest towards him, so he pushed the questions that floated around to the back of his mind. "Oh."

"Yeah," Bakugou chuckled bitterly, no humor hidden behind it, "but it's fine. Doesn't really matter."

Izuku's heart panged with sympathy. Something about the way Bakugou had tried to brush it so casually off his shoulder, like it didn't bother him and that he didn't care, made Izuku feel for him. It was a rare occurrence for Izuku to feel bad for his dorm mate; it's only happened a handful of times, like when Izuku walked into their room to find a red, puffy-eyed, sniffling Bakugou. Izuku didn't know what, or who, caused the ash-blond to cry that day, but he had never seen him so vulnerable and... sad. Bakugou always hid his pain behind aggression and insults, that was definitely one thing Izuku learned about him over the past two months they've been rooming together. And Bakugou may be rude and an asshole sometimes(okay, all the time), but he obviously had a bad past and no one should be alone one Christmas.

Without even thinking about the words, they slipped out of Izuku's mouth before he had the chance to process them, "do you wanna come to mine for break, then?" Izuku wanted to throw his body against the wall.

Bakugou's head snapped up so quickly, Izuku thought he was going to break it. His crimson eyes were wide, shining with shock and lined with hope. Izuku noticed that the bags that hung underneath from exhaustion and lack of sleep seemed to be darker than ever(Izuku thought Bakugou was an insomniac because the kid never went to sleep until at least five a.m. Luckily for Bakugou, he has afternoon classes and not morning). "What?"

Izuku bit his lip, nerves settling in the pit of his stomach and bubbling with the acid. There's no turning back now, "you could come to Mustafu with me for the two weeks."

"Are you fucking with me, right now?" Bakugou asked, jaw slack with surprise, mouth parted as he tried to grasp onto words.

Izuku shrugged, "I mean, I don't see why not. Mom always says the more the merrier." Why can't Izuku just keep his mouth shut? He wants to stuff his hand in between his lips. What the actual fuck is he saying?

"No, no, I couldn't intrude like that. Christmas is fuckin' family holiday," Bakugou protested, shaking his head violently. Now it was Izuku's turn to be caught off guard because he's never seen Bakugou be so... polite. He's always so demanding and crude. He's quick with his tongue, always having something to say about anything— like when Izuku had come back from yoga lessons, Bakugou laughed under his breath and teased him.

But nonetheless, Izuku rebutted against him(they're arguing— just like they always do, but this time, it's for odd reasons). "I'm not gonna force you to come or anything, but I don't mind you tagging along."

"But, your family-"

"Like I said, the more the merrier," Izuku interrupted with a small, persuasive smile. It made his freckles dance, which usually does the trick, and why the hell is he still trying?

Bakugou sighed, "um, yeah. Alright."

Well, shit, too late to back out now.

"Alright?" Izuku questioned.

"Alright." Bakugou confirmed with a firm nod. Izuku  wasn't quite sure what was going on in his mind when he invited his asshole of a roommate to spend break at his hometown, but seeing the way Bakugou's eyes red eyes unfurled a rose of insecurity and excitement, he thought maybe it might be worth it.

"Alright, so I have my last exam tomorrow at five, when's yours?" Izuku asked. He had to see if he needed to rearrange his schedule now that Bakugou's tagging along.

"I took my last one today." Bakugou tugged on a loose string on his hoodie(it was oversized and for a moment, Izuku could've sworn he had the exact same one buried somewhere in their messy room, considering he's the one who always wears oversized hoodies).

"Okay, cool. So I was planning on leaving Wednesday then. It'll give us time to pack tomorrow night. We'll get up bright and early in the morning since it's about a five hour drive," Izuku explained. Mustafu is quite far from Tokyo, but it's close enough for Izuku to not take the train to get there and instead opting for his own car. But now that Bakugou was coming, he figured his car might be better the better choice.

Bakugou thinks about it for a moment, "hm, yeah. That sounds good."

"Okay," Izuku said. Silence endured them after that with neither one of them willing to speak. This whole interaction was way out of Izuku's comfort zone, and he didn't doubt it was the same for Bakugou. Sure, Izuku's done a few nice things here and there for Bakugou, like bringing back dinner for the ash-blond if he eats out or making Bakugou tea when he stays up late to get a paper done, but it's never gone this far.

Izuku let out a breath. This... was going to be one hell of a winter vacation.

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