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"You're a fucking idiot," was what Bakugou Katsuki tells Izuku as he stood on the grass with crossed arms and a scowl.

"I'm the idiot? You're the one who said you didn't want to make a gas stop because we only had two hours left!" Izuku defended himself, pointing a finger at his roommate.

"Well it's your fucking car. You take control of it!" Bakugou raised his voice.

Cars flew past them on the highway. The beeps and honks they were getting only added to Izuku's frustration. The ride had been going pretty smooth at first. They didn't talk much, but it wasn't a bad thing. There was a lot of tension between the two, but they chose to ignore it. It was probably better they hadn't talked, it's what got them through the hours three and a half. Well, until the car ran out of gas and Izuku had to pull over on the side of the road. Bakugou was already cranky because he was getting hungry but Izuku told him to hold off until they made it to Mustafu which Bakugou had mumbled, "fuck off," to under his breath. The tension had been thickening ever since then, like a choking fog in the mountains, and Izuku was surprised they even made it until now without blowing up.

"You know, blaming me isn't going to help us. How about you make yourself useful and call a towing company?" Izuku suggested, his poisonous tone countering the sickenly sweet, fake smile plastered on his face.

"Right, cos' you just expect me to do all the work, huh?" Bakugou scoffed, pulling his phone out of his hoodie pocket.

"Excuse me? So far you've done nothing! Who packed the car this morning at six a.m.? Me. Who bought the food that you snogged down in half a second? Me. And who's been driving all day while hearing little complaints about my music being too loud in my own damn car? Me. Stop being so ungrateful!" Izuku yelled with a bitter taste on his tongue. His chest was heaving with irritation and his mouth was set into a deep scowl.

Bakugou stood there watching, mouth agape and eyes wide. He was clearly taken aback by Izuku's outburst, and if anything, he almost seemed hurt, if Izuku could tell by the glint in his eyes. Then he sighed, rubbing his hands together, "I'll call the fuckin' company." He turned his back on Izuku, head gazing down before it went back up with a phone next to his ear.

Izuku immediately felt the weight of his guilt bury itself in his chest. He ran a hand through his tousled curls and kicked a rock on the ground. Just great. He managed to upset Bakugou for the second time in the span of three hours.

The highway was loud and buzzing in Izuku's ears, blocking out Bakugou's voice. The air was harsh, coated with a bitter cold that, no matter how many layers Izuku was wearing, would still seep through and nip at his skin. His fingers were becoming a pale blue and the numbness created a fuzzy sensation in his toes as well. He desperately tried to find warmth in the pockets of his jacket.

"Companies coming," Bakugou mumbled as he passed by Izuku on his way back to the car. He walked so quickly that Izuku almost missed him, but he followed not too far behind.

Izuku sighed and slid into the freezing car. The leather seats were cold to the touch and he could feel pin-like needles of frost prick into the back of his legs through his jeans. It made his breath hitch and he struggled to get comfortable as shivers were sent all throughout his body.

"When are they coming?" Izuku questioned.

"Should be here in twenty minutes," Bakugou replied simply before plugging his headphones in and cutting himself off from Izuku once again. The curly-haired man sighed before taking out his own phone, clicking on his mom's contact. The mobile rang for a bit before his moms picked up.

"Izuku! Hi sweetie! Are you almost here?" His mother asked brightly and Izuku could feel a bit of his stress fade away just from hearing her voice.

"Hi mom. Uh no, actually. Ran into bit of a problem. The car ran out of gas so now 'm just waiting on a tow to come," Izuku explained the situation and his mom hummed in disappointment. Izuku could feel Bakugou's eyes on him but didn't comment on it.

"Aw I'm sorry, love. I know it's a long drive. Hopefully they'll come soon." Izuku could practically imagine his mom's face right now, her eyebrows scrunched up with concern and mouth quirked up in sincerity.

"Me too mom, me too," he breathed out. And it was the truth. Being stuck in this damn car with Bakugou has been the worst three and a half hours of his life so far. It was painfully awkward, and strainingly silent— the kind of quiet that Izuku drowned in. With each passing minute, the tension between the two dorm mates only seemed to grow and draw on.

"No, Yagi! That's not the right temperature for the chicken, oh let me do it!" His mother's muffled voice came from the phone, yelling at Izuku's step-dad. Yagi Toshinori had been a big part of his life. Izuku's biological father fucked off sometime when he was one and was never to be seen again. Then, his mom met Yagi just after Harry turned four and took his last name two years later. Ever since then, that's been their family: mom, Yagi, and Izuku himself. It's small and secluded, but their love reaches out to those who are close to them like friends. Family are friends and friends are family, it's a rule that stuck in the Midoriya-Toshinori household.

Izuku chuckled, "I'm assuming you've got some chicken to cook?"

His mom's sigh of distress was audible through the phone and Izuku could picture her rubbing her temples with her thumbs just like she'd do to him if he ever go panicked. "Yeah, sorry to cut this short, love. Yagi's gonna ruin this meal before it even began."

Izuku laughed, "okay, mom. Goodluck with that. I love you, see you soon."

"Love you, too!" She exclaimed before hanging up. Izuku took a daring glance at Bakugou while he stuffed his phone back in his pocket and was met with narrowed, red eyes.

"Hm?" Izuku challenged Bakugou to say something.

"Nothin'," Bakugou said and went back to looking out the window. Izuku rolled his eyes, feeling irritated towards everything about today. It had started off nice, like when Izzykj got a glance of a little peaceful kitten-like Louis sleep, or when he ate a pretty decent(also expensive. Damn economy) breakfast. But the moment Bakugou had opened his mouth in the car, everything just went to shit. Because Bakugou can't keep his snide comments to himself; because Bakugou can't stand Izuku's music; because Bakugou's ass hurts from sitting for so long; because Bakugou was just Bakugou: his rude, untamed self. And Izuku hated being so cruel to someone, even if it were just inside his mind, but he honestly thought it would've been better if Bakugou just stayed back in their dorm room. It hadn't even been a full day and they were already down each other's throats with hatred.

But then Izuku thinks of a sad, teary-eyed Bakugou sitting alone on his bed for Christmas Eve. He thinks of how lonely Bakugou would feel and of all the times it could've happened before; maybe a small, younger Bakugou that hoped Santa would come but never did. He thinks of the bags that hang constantly under ash blond's eyes and how much deeper they would be once the holiday starts. And no, Izuku just couldn't have that. He wouldn't allow it.

Izuku had one thing on his mind and it was that he was going to make this the best Christmas for Bakugou Katsuki. It might need a Christmas miracle, or perhaps a wish upon a star, but he's going to make it happen.

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⏰ Última actualización: May 20, 2021 ⏰

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