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Izuku's loud, cranking alarm was what woke him up at six in the morning on a Thursday. He quickly turned it off before it could give him a headache and he sat up in bed. He yawned and rubbed his eyes with his sweater paws. He swung his legs over his bed, letting his bare feet hit the cold, wooden floor. Chills crawled down his back but he shook them off with a shrug of his shoulders.

Izuku looked over at Bakugou, who was still sleeping soundly, little puffs of air escaping his parted lips with each calm heave of his chest. He looked peaceful, a bit youthful, actually; like the world couldn't touch him with his eyes closed and subconscious powered off. The space between his eyebrows that usually remained furrowed whenever Izuku saw him was smooth this morning, with no creases or wrinkles. His eyelashes kissed his cheeks delicately, moving ever so slightly in his sleep.

It was quite a sight, because Izuku may not like Bakugou, but he's not blind. Bakugou was a very attractive(Izuku prefers the term pretty when it comes to him) man, with crimson eyes as piercing as ice, high cheekbones highlighted with the right lighting, and plump lips. Izuku found it hard not to be attracted to him. But that was just it, it only went as far as physical appearances. Bakugou was an asshole, Izuku knew this well. He's seen it in the times Bakugou yells and snaps at his(seemingly very nice) friends, Kirishima, Kaminari, and Ashido. Izuku has only met them a few times— just enough to be acquaintances that smile at eachother if spotted on campus.

Izuku pondered if he should wake up the sleeping man, but decided against it. He figured he would go pack the car first, and then he'd get Bakugou out of bed. Izuku got up, grabbed the clothes he set out the night before, and changed into them as quiet as he could.

The weight of Bakugou's suitcases felt heavy in his hands, but he tugged it down the stairs from the third floor off the dorm building to the car nonetheless. The air was cool against Izuku's bare arms, and he cursed himself out for not wearing a jacket. He shivered and let out a breath, crossing his eyes as he watched it appear in front of his face. He'll have to put a coat on before they leave.

Izuku walked into the parking lot while the dusk of the morning was just starting to rise. The sky was dark, but just the faintest hint of pink lingered, waiting to take over with each minute that passed. His car windows were all blurred out with precipitation and water droplets that covered the glass. It smelt of fresh grass, but the cold bit his nose viciously and it almost hurt to inhale. He hurried up his motions, but still remained delicate with each action.

The suitcases were placed meticulously into the trunk of the car. Izuku kept his own bags in his mind and played a mental game of tetris with the space in his trunk. After he went back and got the rest of the luggage, he made sure everything could fit.

It took Izuku about ten minutes in total and by now, he hoped Bakugou was up because he really didn't want to go through the pain of waking him up. Bakugou wasn't a morning person. Izuku learned this the hard way, when Bakugou had yelled at him for being "too fucking cheery this early in the morning".  Izuku just didn't have the patience to deal with an angry Bakugou right now.

When Izuku opened the door of their dorm, Bakugou was still cuddled up into a ball, fast asleep and motionless. It was adorable, really, but it was time to get moving. Izuku strided over to the bed and gently shook Bakugou. It took a moment, but slowly Bakugou's long eyelashes flutter open, uncaging the crimson roses behind them. His eyebrows furrowed as he looked at Izuku, sleep still present in his feautures, "whaddya' want?" he mumbled out as he closed his eyes again. See, not a morning person.

Izuku remained patient and whispered softly, "hey Bakugou, we need to get going."

Bakugou opened his eyes halfway, "go where?"

baby just like christmas miracles(you make them come true)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant