Fancy Fucking Banquette

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Ara gasped as her mother pulled the corset tight. Ara couldn't breath and the corset was pressing directly on her broken rib. Tears pricked her eyes in pain.

"Mum, this hurts." Ara cried.

"No daughter of mine will look like a pig in front of all these guests." Walburga said jerking the corset back again. The black corset hugged Ara, in an uncomfortable way, pressing her breasts up and contracting her waist. Under the corset was a deep green dress, one of her mothers, and over top of it all was a black cloak with a golden 'B' brandished on the left breast of it for Black. Walburga then drug Ara into her bathroom for makeup. She put a foundation three shades too pale for Ara on her, golden eyeshadow, and a thick wing of eyeliner on each eye. Toped off with a deep red lipstick.

"Mum I-"

"Quiet now. Put these on." Walburga shut her daughter up handing her a pair of black stiletto heels.

"I wont be able to walk in these!" Ara said stumbling to her feet. Without another word Walburga closed the door on Ara, shoeing her to her room without another word. "Ugh!" Ara yelled clomping up the stairs, the heels clicking against the marble staircase. She reached her room and tugged the ugly snake necklace off of her, tossing it onto the floor. She picked the moonstone necklace up and hooked it behind her neck, basking in the beauty of it.

"Jesus Christ, Fancy Fucking Banquette my ass. You look like you are going to a funeral." Sirius said leaning on Ara's doorframe. Sirius was dressed in a black tux and a deep green cloak.

"And you don't?" Ara laughed looking from her brother back to her mirror. She made sure none of the word 'disgrace' could be seen under her cloak before joining her brother in the hall.

"Are you ready?" Regulus said walking out into the hall, wearing a perfectly tailored suit and a dark green cloak, the same as Sirius'. Sirius made a gaging noise at his brother and Ara punched Sirius in the arm. "Good to see you too Sirius." Regulus said in a sarcastic tone while buttoning the button on his suit jacket. Sirius made a grumble that sounded something like a sarcastic laugh mixed with a puff of his breath.

"Merlin what the hell did I ever do to you Siri?" Regulus spoke turning to his brother.

"Nothin." Sirius grumbled.

"Then what is your problem then."

'He's jealous, I'm jealous but I can hide it well. Our parents love you, they don't come into your room with every wrong move and try to murder you on the spot. We aren't dead yet because they don't want to ruin the black family name!' I wanted to scream, but she didn't. When she snapped back to reality the two boys were in a stare off. God they are like five year olds. Ara rolled her eyes. Looping her arms around Sirius and Regulus', even though Reggie was three years younger he was the same hight as Ara, almost taller. The two escorted Ara down the stairs to the ballroom. They entered to a crowd of wizards all huddled into little groups partaking in small talk. Instantly Ara's head went numb with the overbearing smell of magic. It wasn't like the magic at Hogwarts, it was darker, it burned her nostrils even when she held her breath. She felt sick and nauseated as she walked through the room, getting glances and nods of heads from older wizards. Ara unlinked her arms with Sirius and Regulus and headed over to the table with the only cousin she ever and will love, Andromeda.

"Andy!' Ara squealed as she jumped into the taller girls arms. Their light and dark brown strands of hair tangling together.

"Hey Red." Andromeda smiled. Red, Ara's favorite nickname, when she was ten she accidentally charmed all of her mom's shoes to be red and Andy took the blame for her, warranting the nickname Red.

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