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Thalia awoke to the sound of meat sizzling and popping as it was grilled over an open fire.

Sitting up and looking around she found that she was in a cozy log cabin, sitting on a bed made of large pelts that was roughly the size of a king sized bed.

Stepping outside, Thalia was temporarily blinded by the sun as her eyes adjusted to the daylight.

As her eyes cleared she saw a muscular and very shirtless guy her age spinning a slab of meat on a spit over a fire.

Thalia remembered the guy introduced himself as Percy before doing..... whatever that was. All she knew was the boy in front of her is the reason she was alive.

"Oh! You're awake. I made breakfast." The guy said as he held up the spit with meat on it, obviously proud of himself for doing so.

Suddenly, the hellhound from last night ran past her, causing her to jump away towards the opposite direction.

"Cinder, good boy! Do you want a treat? Do ya buddy?" Percy said as her removed a strip of dried meat the size of Thalia's arm from his belt where it was hanging from a hook.

Cinder (the hellhound, Thalia had gathered) sat down obediently before rolling lazily on his back, knocking down a nearby tree as he did so.

Percy chuckled before tossing the meat to his pet and patting the side of his neck.

"So, why were you being chased by a bunch of cyclops?" Percy asked.

Thalia was reluctant to tell him before she realized that if he was a monster planning to kill her, he could have done while she slept anyway.

"I'm a demigod, a daughter of Zeus. They were sent by Hades to kill me." Thalia confessed, her blue eyes searching his for a hint of his reaction.

"YES! Finally, I can leave!" Percy said, excited.

"What do you mean? What does my situation have anything to do with you?" Thalia asked, now more confused than ever.

"My father told me to stay here until he sent me a sign to leave. You are the sign." Percy said, rapidly packing things in his cabin.

"Who is your father?" Thalia asked.

"Hades, obviously. The one who sent monsters to chase you towards me, knowing I could protect you. Dad, you sly bastard." Percy said, shoving his things in a rucksack made from drakon scales.

"You're a son of Hades? Aren't you supposed to hate me?" Thalia asked, getting tired of how this guy made her ask questions with every sentence.

"No, the point is that Zeus will try to kill me as soon as I come out of hiding, but not if I've saved the life of his daughter and then proceeded to escort her to wherever she was going before I got there. My dad is protecting me." Percy said, fixating his things to Cinder and walking towards Thalia.

Percy stood in front and bowed at his waist. "Where to, princess?"


Percy took Thalia to the edge of camp when they saw girls in silver, causing both of them to groan in frustration at the presence of the hunt.


Percy was doing his morning chores of cutting firewood for a bigger fire.

Cinder had gotten a wolf in the woods pregnant and now Percy had five adorable half-wolf-half-hellhounds to take care of, thus the bigger fire to cook more meat for them.

He was chopping a tree down when a silver arrow buried itself next to his head in another nearby tree.

"Hold it right there, boy." Said a now revealed girl with dark hair and a bow trained on Percy.

"Why?" Percy asked, his young voice disguising both his power and his immediate distaste for the girl in front of him.

"Because you are a disgusting boy who doesn't have a single innocent bone in his body." She retorted as if that were obvious.

"Pretty sexist, don't you think?" Percy said, his muscles tensing as he prepared to defend himself.

"What did you say!" The girl said, enraged.

Percy then threw his broken sword, Kelli, into the girls hunter garb, pinning her to a tree and catching her arrow as it flew towards him.

Percy loosened his control on his power, allowing it to flow from him and fill the hunter with dread. She recognized stygian iron when she saw it. Percy's dark ring spread over his entire body, taking the shape of his father's armor.

The hunter, Phoebe, was a seasoned veteran when it came to combat. She had faced down every monster several times throughout her life hunting with her mistress. She was the best fighter in the hunt and she was borderline unstoppable in a spar, and she was quivering in fear of the thing in front of her.

His left side was covered in terrible shadowy armor, but his right side stayed the same, except for one thing. His right eye had flames representative of his wrath pouring out of his socket, as if he had the same eyes as her father, Ares.

'YOU DARE!' a voice rang throughout her mind as her mental fortitude was broken down at an extremely fast rate.

Another silver arrow sprouted in Percy's shoulder as the other hunters came to their location.

Ignoring the pain that exploded throughout his torso, Percy practically flew towards his captive as the last of her mental defenses was obliterated.

'YOU WILL SUBMIT!' Percy shouted at her, his searing dark hand holding the side of her face.

Grabbing both sides of the girl's face with his hands he glared into her fear-filled eyes.

"PATHETIC COWARD!" Percy shouted, crushing her very soul as he shamed her.

"Be gone from my sight, wretch." He said, causing her to run back to camp at her top speed, screams of terror echoing through the forest.

The hunt, now sufficiently intimidated, was extremely reluctant to attack now. Their mistress was on Olympus at the moment and looking into the eyes of the boy in front of them, they realized they would all suffer the same fate as their comrade if they didn't retreat RIGHT NOW.

The hunt sped off and immediately changed their course to camp permanently, never wanting to run into that boy again.

Percy then returned to his cabin, only to find the puppies butchered with arrow holes marring their pelts. Then he snapped.


Percy walked up to the hunter he had shamed and broken with fury in his eyes before he grabbed her and threw her to the ground.

The hunters, noticing what happened, visibly paled at the boy they hoped they'd never see again.


Poseidon enjoyed watching the peaceful camp that he would soon send his son to.

His son, Heracles, was young now, but would become the greatest hero of his age with his potential for power.

Then, out of nowhere, a boy walked out of the forest and tossed a hunter to the ground as if she was just a sack of potatoes.

Curious on who would dare attack one of the well trained hunters, Poseidon visually scanned the boy before noticing his eyes.

Poseidon had seen that look only once before, on his older brother as he savagely beat their father to death.

Ok, so as mentioned in the tags, I don't know what ship to go with, so I'm open to suggestions. Comment to vote, voting will be closed when chapter five is posted

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