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Thalia watched as Percy threw the huntress to the ground and immediately got in between them with intent to protect Percy.

Percy looked at Thalia and his fiery gaze softened from an inferno to a low blaze.

"Get out of my way, Thalia. She will get what she deserves." Percy growled, his eyes burning into hers as his vengeance was tantalizingly close.

"Artemis will kill you if you hurt her hunter." Thalia said, trying to reason with the embodiment of Hades' cold justice.

A dark, bone chilling chuckle sounded from the boy's mouth

"She will try."


Artemis heard the challenge that the boy issued.

She didn't personally have an issue with the boy, but a goddess couldn't ignore a direct challenge like the one the boy put forth.

Sighing in resignation, Artemis placed an arrow on her string, pulled back, and released the streak of silver towards the boy.


The boy was about to dominate the insolent hunter and force her to swim to China, when a streak of silver shot through his heart, causing him to explode into black ash.

Phoebe smiled in triumph when she saw the silver streak kill the boy. She knew that her patron would protect her.

"See? Even the boy that we all feared is nothing when compared to our lady!" Phoebe called to her fellow hunters, exhilarated by the death of the boy who haunted her dreams after their encounter in the forest.

"Is that so?" a cold voice asked from directly behind her.

Phoebe stiffened as she recognized the voice.

"No. She killed you. I watched you die." She practically sobbed.

"Her father failed to kill me, and I will one day tear his head from his self-loving shoulders. But she hasn't wronged me in the ways that he has. He took my friends from me." He said as he stepped to the side, revealing a massive snarling hellhound.

"You haven't wronged me hunter, you wronged him." The boy said as his terrible hand was covered in shadows.

"Shall I leave you to him?" He asked condescendingly.

"Please don't! I didn't know they were tame!" Phoebe sobbed.

"THEY WERE INNOCENT!" Percy shouted as shadows overtook his body, his left side just a silhouette while his right eye had fire burning out of it.

"YOU ARE NOTHING! YOU ARE BENEATH CONTEMPT!" Percy said as the hunters shot arrow after arrow at him, not seeming to be affecting him in any way as he shamed their sister.

"YOU WILL SERVE THE DARK LORD!" Percy said as he shattered past her defenses and overtook her mind.

In that moment, Phoebe saw everything he had done, all of his memories and experiences, his goals and ambitions, and in that moment, Phoebe knew she belonged to him now, not her father, and not Artemis. She would only kneel before the dark lord Perseus.

"I will be your chosen!" Phoebe cried out in response, not that any but Percy heard her.

"Good." That was all Percy said before dismissing her and telling her be his spy.

"Get away from me you filthy male! Shouted Phoebe as she shoved him away and ran back to her sisters.

'Oh great' thought Percy, 'an actress'.


Zeus was quivering in fear.

The boy he had tried to smite a year ago survived, and he was as unforgiving as his father.

Hades had always been good at raising armies, convincing the fallen warriors to join his army of the dead, but never had one of his offspring, free from the ancient laws, been able to wield this kind of power.

Zeus then realized what the boy was. Kronos had cursed them with his final breath that their children would overthrow them, and he was the one to kill Hades' lover. The boy was Hades' wrath and revenge. Hades had known Zeus would try to kill him and he was counting on it. Now the boy was coming for Zeus, and no one could protect him.


It had been 3 weeks since Percy took the mind of Phoebe and three weeks since she had been luring her sisters to him to join his army. Now ¾ of the hunt was under his control as his agents spread their influence.

Artemis felt as her bonds with her hunters had been severed, and it weakened her every day, stopping her from intervening.

There was a knock at her door before her ex-lieutenant Zoe, the latest to be taken, walked in.

"The Dark Lord wants you to join his army, milady. He says that he won't take your mind if you swear your loyalty to him." Zoe said, her eyes pleading her former mistress to except. She had seen the resolve of her master and she knew he would succeed at any cost, but she had also seen his plan.

He would free everybody from Zeus' reign. He would be a fair ruler and appoint his generals and supporters to places of power. He would be more worried about the wellness of his subjects than fucking everything that moved, and he would be better than Zeus ever was.

"He may not take my mind, but he's taken all of yours. Are your thoughts even your own anymore?" Artemis asked bitterly.

"Its not really much different then following you. He lets us do as we please unless he has need of us, and he doesn't command us to do anything unreasonable, but he has proven that he won't let us die. Do you remember when Atalanta was sick? The master came in and killed her and the infection before bringing her back to us." Zoe defended her new master.

"Has he taken any minds aside from the hunters?" Artemis asked curiously

"I have not." Said the boy, walking calmly out of the shadows in the corner of the room.

"When did you arrive." asked Artemis defensively.

"When Zoe walked in the door." He said calmly. "The hunt is many times more effective than the majority of the children at camp half blood, and I have a war to fight."

"And what, pray tell, will happen to me when you take Olympus?" Artemis asked, angry that he had the audacity to intrude in her home.

"Those who fight with me will be well rewarded for their efforts, and my generals, the position I am offering you, will help me forge a new council, one that is not just a monarch preaching his prideful rhetoric at his family." The boy said, extending his hand to the goddess, "Now, will you join me, milady?"

Alright, that's chapter three. I know it's not my best work, but it was setting up the story of overthrowing Zeus. I don't know about the ship, so if you want him to be with someone I will add it in, vote in the comments.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 26, 2021 ⏰

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