Chapter 5

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So, I'm gonna try and write longer chapters from now on.
Hope you like it.


Six months.

That's how long its gonna take my leg to fully heal.

That's how long I can't walk without crutches.

That's how long I can't skateboard.

I can't fùcking live without skateboarding!

The doctor said I was lucky. I was mostly out of the bus' path, but it did manage to hit my left leg.

My left leg.

That's my push off leg!

Apparently, I broke my ankle and there are a lot of fractures in my leg.

Strict bed rest for the first month. Walking a little with crutches is allowed. By the fourth month I should get the cast of but I still have to keep pressure of that leg. And of course crutches.

The only upside to all this is no school for the first month.


Anyway, I've been in the hospital for a week now, not counting the time I was in a coma. Oh yeah, about that. After the bus crash sent me spinning, I crashed into the sidewalk, which gave me a concussion and a dislocated shoulder.

I was in the ICU that whole time, luckily the doctors knew I would wake up soon. They say that there shouldn't be any permanent brain damage however I shouldn't perform anything too physical for a while lest I get dizzy and pass out.

Well, no problem there.

Within this past week of me being conscious, I've been visited by my parents, a few neighbours and kids from school and my best friends, Rachel and Emily. But no Archer.

I asked about him but they said no one had seen him since the accident.

I wonder where he went when I was the one in a hospital.


My mom told me she talked to the police and they said the bus driver had a sudden panic attack and passed out so he couldn't stop the bus.

Thank the heavens that there were no passengers so nobody got hurt.

Well, except for me.

My mom was so worried that when she rushed in after I woke up she hugged me and cried about how glad she was I'm okay.

Then laughed.

Then screamed at me never to do this to her again.

Then cried again.

It was a very emotional moment.

My dad however was another story. He said nothing just sat next to me and wouldn't leave my side for the first two days.

Not even for the bathroom.

Maybe he went there while I slept...?

Oh well, he did seem relieved albeit a little on edge from the while affair.

But I'm excited today. Today was the day I would finally be discharged from the hospital and return home.


My parents wouldn't shut up the whole ride home. They kept talking about how happy they were and that they were never letting out of their sight again. I'm guessing that's just for the first week or so before they finally settle down.

I hope.

As pulled up to I driveway, I noticed a familiar face standing next door with worry etched all over his face.


I slowly pulled myself out of the car as Nathan rushed to my side to help me.

I gave him my crutches as he helped me up and then handed them to me.

I hugged him and buried my face in his chest.

He hugged me back and told me how gald he was to see me alright.

"Why don't you come inside, Nate?" Said my mom.

"Sure, Mrs. Meyers."


Once Nathan helped me get my things and walked me to my new makeshift room, we settled down and told each other everything that had happened these past few weeks.

My parents had set up a bed for me in the living room since I couldn't use the stairs.

He told me how everybody was reacting to this and I told him about my time at the hospital.

Nate and I...haven't been as good friends as we used to be...before Archer moved here. But he was always there for me. So that's why I told him everything. Well, everything except for Archer's note. That just seemed...too personal.

I hadn't even told Rachel and Emily about it yet.

He said the school was gonna assign someone to help me around for the next few months and something about Rachel wanting to throw a "Welcome Back" party for me.

He also said he'd give me a ride to school from now on. How sweet.

But I'll still miss my skateboard.


Speaking of which, the bus ran over my skateboard! I loved that thing.

It was a gift from my grandfather before he passed away. I treasured it. Sadly, it had left this world too young.

RIP Vivian.

Yes, I named my skateboard. Sue me.

Anyway, Nathan and I spent the rest of the afternoon doing mindless things until it became dark. Finally, my mom sent him home, sating I needed rest. Nathan told me he'd call me tomorrow and we could do something. Like sitting and watching random bullshit on Netflix.


So this is how my life was gonna be for the next month.

Oh, what a cruel, cruel world we live in.

Despite Nate's protests I saw him till the door. He opened it to leave but stopped abruptly. I peered around his large frame to see what he was looking at and I froze.

It was an incredibly rare and exact  replica of Vivian, complete with my grandmother's favourite quote.

Nessun angelo è completo senza il suo diavolo.

But what really surprised me was the single blue winter rose lying on top of it.


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