Chapter 23

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Dedicated to Foodie_fan for being an awesome reader.

Also, enjoy this pic of Archer ;)


I froze at the sight of her familiar blonde hair. And no, I wasn't talking about Alice. It was who she was kissing.



*Alice's POV*

Winter's sharp gaze never left mine as Rachel quickly composed herself and dashed out of the room. But not before Winter gave her a look that screamed 'were definitely talking about this later' at her.

As soon as the door slammed shut behind her, Winter's furiously gaze returned to me.

I sighed as Winter crossed her arms over her chest and leaned back against a wall.

"I suppose you'll be wanting an explanation?"

It was rhetorical but Winter still answered.

"Oh, you're not getting away without one."

"Figured as much."

Now where the hell do I begin?


"I guess the first time we got together was at your birthday party."

She gave me a pointed look and I raised my hands in defense.

"What? I was drunk."

Her eyes lit up dangerously as mine widened.

"Oh, no no no no! Nothing like that. I didn't take advantage of her. I'd never hurt Rachel like that." I said full of sincerity.

She calmed down and relaxed her shoulders as I thought back to that night.

Just the memory of it made butterflies erupt in my stomach. And also felt like a knife in the heart.


The sound of Taylor Swift's tragic love life surrounded me as I made my way around the drunken party-goers. I was searching for one in particular, one who'd arrived in a smoking green dress.

As I spotted her blonde head, a smile lit up my face. I couldn't help it. I sauntered over to her and tapped her shoulder lightly. She jumped and turned around to face me as I chuckled at her surprise.

"You scared me!" She whispered harshly as she hit me lightly.

"I noticed." I smirked. "Care for a dance?"

"I-" She was cut off when Nathan suddenly arrived with two drink.

I couldn't help the frown that overtook my face as he handed her one of the drinks and she smiled back at him gratefully.

Why is it always Nathan?

He then turned to me and gave me his trademark grin.

"Alice." He said seductively.

I scoffed.

I couldn't believe he was flirting with me, right here in front of Rae. I mean, sure he was hot and I'd jumped his bones quite a few times but I hadn't been in the mood lately.

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⏰ Last updated: May 07, 2016 ⏰

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