The second chapter

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(The new image! Don't worry about the old images from the non-edited chapters in the future! They are in a small USB I own so they won't disappear from existence.)

(TW: This is not that bad. A lot of wounds and cleaning them is described if you are very and I only mean very weak to I wouldn't recommend reading this part. It might just be very necessary though because it's gonna have a lot of bonding thoughts between Y/N and Garcello.)


Garcello's pov

It took a while to get him up the stairs... There is a lot of wounds on his whole head, mostly on the face area. One of the eyes has blood dripping over it and the other some dirt.

The dirt and blood must have made it hard to get in, to begin with, but that could also be the dizziness from the wounds... The blood and dirt covering his eyes make me worried about the eyesight of the male...

I had to carry him into the toilet and put him into the bathtub. I didn't want to make him uncomfortable so I only carried him with his arm over my back.

He fell asleep right after we got through the outside door and had almost hit the floor. I was able to catch him but there were a few strange looks from some granny getting their dog into their apartment...

Once I get him into the bathtub I search for a water sprinkler that I could move around manually to water down the dirt and blood covering the eyes.

I am so lucky that find one so I turn his body to the side making the water run over the eyes and properly take the dirt off. At the moment it was hard for me to see as well. I am crying a bit from the stress of keeping myself calm...

I run the water on medium to make sure that his eyes won't hurt. When I run the water over the eyes I can begin to see the color of his (E/C) eye on his left where the blood had covered it.

The right eye wasn't becoming any better even when I tried to open the eye more to look I realize that it wasn't dirt but the eye had been broken!

I quickly let go of everything and run away from the bathroom to search for some type of phone or any kind of device I can call someone on! The stress makes my hands shake and I barely see anything!

My sight was becoming more blurry. This guy that I had almost just met was hurt and I couldn't do anything about it!

I found my phone on the ground and quickly pulled it up not thinking properly if it really was mine or not. I went to the emergency button on the screen lock of the phone to call an ambulance.

---------(The Hospital...)---------

I have my head in my hands while waiting for the people to patch him up and just tell me that I could finally check on him. My shirt is covered in stains from my tears that had fallen while crying.

My hat is on the jacket that is folded beside me on the bench I am sitting on. I look over to the spot staring at my hat until I decide to pick it up and hold it with both hands. I just sit there for a while and stare at it not knowing what to do...

The door right beside me startled me as a doctor got out of the room looking around almost confused. Then they ran towards a nurse that they seemed to know.

"Did you call any of the patient's relatives? How far away are they?" The doctor asked the nurse. I don't really know if I should listen to this conversation or not since it's something I've been wondering too...

"He doesn't have any relatives... He is one of the survivors from the woods Dr.Cruno..." The nurse told the doctor looking unsure and sweaty.

I stare at my hat in shock... I thought that someone like him would at least have a good pair of parents. He was so kind...I forgot how little I knew about the guy since we only met yesterday night...

"Excuse me, sir?" I heard a deep voice call out while getting closer towards me. It was the nurse. 

"Are you here to see Y/N L/N right?" The nurse continues to speak making me perk up from my hat and look at them. I really didn't think I would get to know his name like this but I guess some things happen in mysterious ways.

"Yeah, I was the one that called... Is he alright?" I really want to know though I am unsure if they would let me in without asking first... Yet... The doctor opens the door beside me and I decide to go in. I pick up my jacket and pull my hat over my head.

When I walked in I realized that I could hear a heart monitor beeping in the background. This made me walk slightly quicker to the bedside.

"He had a lot of blood dripping off his head from some type of pressure. Do you know what happened to him?" Some weird person in a police suit asks me making me worried...

"I have no clue what happened, he just went to the place we... Usually meet and he was hurt all over the head and face. I tried to help him get the dirt off by cleaning his eyes with water but found out that the other eye was broken..." I told him.

He seemed to understand and nod towards me. Without saying anything more he just leaves the area. I decide to sit down on one of the chairs nearby just to check on him closer...

He had a few blue-purple marks on his face and skull that I could see through his (Hair colored)-hair. There is also a towel over his eye that is broken and it is slightly bloody making me worried about what they will do...


(This is it! I know it isn't much. I believe you guys already know what is going to happen next. I know this is really early in the story for something like this to happen but I believe this would be an interesting way to start the story.)

(Edit: I'm tired, I just edited the last one and I'm so fucking tired... I will continue to edit until I fall though, lmao. It's starting to look a lot better in my opinion U-U)

---(Until the next chapter!)---

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