*ring ring* Hey Dad..?

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Again, thank you Ǎizi for this idea. 

I finally, finally have my drivers license, and I'm free! Well, except for my restrictions. I have to be home by eight  but still, free! Mom and Dad surprised me with a car for my birthday and today I'm finally going out by myself!

"Bye Mom and Dad! Bye aunts and uncles and siblings!" I say as I walk towards the elevator.

"And girlfriend!" Wanda yells.

"And girlfriend! Bye honey!"

"Bye! Love you, be safe," she warns.

"I will, I will."

"No crashing the car Peter," Dad says.

"I know. Bye."

I step into the elevator and go down to the giant garage and get in my car. It's a really nice Honda  Civic. I put the key in the ignition and drive onto the road, and I'm free.


Everything going smoothly. Ok, that's a lie, I've almost rear ended like five cars, but I'm good, it's all good. I decide to go get some food my family but when I'm trying to turn across traffic to get to the shawarma place, that's when the other light turns green. Right after I pulled out, and obviously someone wasn't looking and...


I can barely hear my own screams as my car rolls to the side of road and land upside down. I come to long enough to unbuckle my seatbelt and fall the ground. I gasp. Everything hurts, especially my leg and wrist, I also think I broke a rib, but I'm able to take my phone, and call dad.

Ring ring ring

"Peter? What's up? Are you okay!?" He gets more worried with each sentence.

"No...wreck. Help." I gasp and everything turns black.

"Peter? Peter!?" 

Tony's POV

"Peter! Peter!?" I yell hanging up the phone and running to get my nano tech reactor and I realize I left it in the living room.

I run to the living room and see a few people sitting around, they turn at my sudden entrance and see my panicked look.

"What's wrong Tony?" Pepper says.

"P-Peter, car wreck," is all I can choke out.

"Oh my gosh," Wanda starts crying.

"I need my suit!!l I yell and she tosses it to me. I activate it and fly out of the window and start speeding towards his location. When I get there I see his car flipped upside down and he's laying on the ceiling. He's passed out and bleeding all over.

"Peter," I gasp before using my lasers to slice through the top and pick him up gently before speeding back to the tower.

"Oh hey Dad," a quiet voice says.

"Oh my gosh Peter, stay awake, please," I beg.

He doesn't say anything but he keeps his eyes open as we fly into medbay, where Bruce is already waiting.

"Oh my gosh, put him on the table!" He says once he see's his condition.

I lay him on the table and leave and wait for Bruce to finish working on him.

Peter's POV

I slowly open my eyes but immediately close them because of the lights.

"JARVIS, the lights," I groan.

He doesn't say anything but I know he did it so I open my eyes and I'm in..medbay? Why am I- oh wait, the wreck. I sigh and ask JARVIS to tell the others I'm awake.

Dad rushes in quickly and when he sees me smiling at him his eyes fill with tears and he rushes over and hugs me as tight as he can without hurting me. Next person to come in was Wanda, she had obviously been crying and she hugged and kissed me, then probably saw that my dad wanted to spend some with just me and left with a quick "'love you'.

"Kid I thought I had lost you," he says with his voice breaking.

"Nah it's not easy," I say. He looks at me horrified and I realize that was the exact wrong thing to say. "Hey, I was kidding, I was kidding."

"But seriously kid, three broken ribs, a broken leg and wrist? What happened?"

"Well I was going to pick up shawarma for all of us and when I finally got up to the light it was still green, so I turned like any normal human would, right? But as soon as I turn that light turns red and the other light turns green, and I guess someone wasn't paying attention to the road because they went and slammed into me, it hurt a little," I explain.

"Gee kid, should I find that person and sue them for not paying attention?"

"No, it could happen to anyone. I'm okay though. Thanks dad. I love you."

"Love you to, kiddo,"

As you can see, I have to end everything with fluff. It's my specialty. And I love it. 

But yeah, I really need ideas, comment them here.


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