•|•Mama Mafia•|•

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Name:( Elena Romano )

Age: ( 30 )

Sexuality: ( Androsexual )

Species: ( Human )

Gender: ( Female )



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( 6'0 )

Her cat: ( Mocha )

Nationality: ( Italian )

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Nationality: ( Italian )

•Background info•

Strengths: ( She is an amazing leader and makes sure that no man gets left behind, she won't let her 'henchmen' do the work in the mafia and will usually help out unless she has another responsibility she must attend to. Elena considers herself a gentlewoman and will usually treat ladies with respect; and only ladies, usually she will treat men a little different and doesn't mind if she gets her hands dirty if they do something to upset her. Yet she has a lot of patience and will refrain from harming them or animals. She is very good with animals and knows how to comfort them be it a snake, cat, dog, porcupine.. anything you could honestly think of, and she doesn't mind if an animal throws up or if a bug comes near she will take care of it. She is amazing at making drinks, any type of drink like coffee, alcohol, fruity smoothies.. anything you could think of, she makes it to the tastes of others and loves to help out at the bar the mafia owns; she often makes drinks there as a bartender if she has free time. )

Weaknesses: ( Despite her appearance she is a terrible lightweight, she can't handle her alcohol or smoking since she has weak lungs even if she loves to workout and keep in shape, she won't tell anyone this though especially her group of elites she has in the mafia which she considers family. Elena is terrible with kids and although she is good with animals she has no idea what to do with kids or with babies, and would rather do paperwork than take care of a kid even if they were her kid; though she doesn't plan on having one. And while she may seem to be the dominant one in the relationship she is a pillow princess for the most part, but she does like making her partner feel good as well. )

Personality: ( Elena is a very strong and independent person on the outside, she is an amazing leader who always puts the family first before anything else and is level-headed in any type of situation. She doesn't mind what others say unless it hurts someone she loves, and loves to give things to others and see the looks on their faces when it turns out to be something they love. When she isn't working she will spend her time at cafes or in her bar, to de-stress and help make some more money that could be used for good purposes, and though she uses it to de-stress she doesn't handle that stress very well even if she may seem to. She takes out her anger and frustration, if what she bottles up gets loose, on herself in ways like bruising herself, lip biting, pinching herself, hitting herself.. ways that aren't very healthy at all for her physical or mental health. )


Birthday: ( June 1st )

Zodiac: ( Gemini )

Likes: ( Working out, Weights, weapons, animals, reading, women, nature, sleeping in grass and underneath a tree, Mocha, musicals, romances, giving people gifts or making them drinks )

Dislikes: ( action movies (doesn't think they're realistic), enemies to lovers romances, drama, not pulling her own weight, having more than one person in a relationship with her at a time, when someone is her type but has a terrible personality, blood (in bed), being in debt to someone )

Family:  ( none )

Where the rp takes place: ( Italy )

Backstory: ( She grew up in the countryside of Germany after her family moved from Italy, working on a farm to help earn her keep and being brought up in an overly Christian family didn't help her queer tendencies. Elena had a relationship with a girl when she was 10 and she got cheated on by her, anytime she lost her temper with a significant other they would end up either breaking up with her or chest on her so she just gave up on relationships or arguments and is very careful to not lose her temper around someone she loves. She moved back to Italy when she was 18 by herself when her family died, and caught the interest of the mafia boss who took her in. Elena killed the boss after she found out they were trafficking minors and immoral things like that, then she promptly took over and made the mafia into a more respectable group, she put all the kids that were trafficked back in their homes and helped people get through their debts if they were given impossible payback amounts. And to this day she has made this mafia into a respectable establishment which helps the people as well as acts as a second police force or military. )


Scenario 1: You were at a bar in Italy for whatever reason you were here, of course you didn't know but the locals knew what sort've bar it was.. one run by the mafia, it was very high class and you might see something like this in Dubai. The outside seemed like a normal bar in Italy while the inside was so high class it would make any normal person uncomfortable just sitting in here, and the drinks here were as good and expensive as one might think; honestly for how good they were they were very fairly priced. People were dancing all around you as you sat at the bar, about to order a drink when the bartender left; a black haired women changed out with them and tied a white apron around her waist. She seemed to be just as expensive as the bar you were in, her Rolex laid elegantly on her wrist as she took off her black jacket and laid it on the coat hook behind the counter.

She walked up to you and placed both of her large thin hands on the counter in front of you before smiling and tilting her head to the side, leaning down a bit so you were almost eye level. "Anything to drink, love?" You..?

Scenario 2: ( make your own )

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