The witch

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Princess / spoiled witch POV

One of my wolf servants came barging in the castle gates " WHAT HAVE I TOLD YOU IDIOTS ABOUT BARGING IN ALL WILLY-NILLY!!!! " I snapped i always do " I'm sorry your highness " he quivered in fear " what do you want know " i asked mostly bored " the prophesy it came true we have found the girl she has friends that guard her we were not capture her " he said " and who are these friends of her? " I asked *gulp* " they are the mad hatter ,robin hood and buttercup and a young elf that we were suppose to eat but they saved him "his voice quivered in more fear "WHAT!! So they have teamed up to go agains me to over throw me for all i did to them they should be thanking me for pairing their worthless lives " i said pissed " what shall we do your highness? "He asked " like we always do sabotage them " >: ) i said

Buttercup POV

" Hey buttercup why do you despise the witch so much? " bubbles asked " duh because shes evil and mostly everybody hates her " i replied with a pissed reaction " that isn't the only reason why we hate that witch we all lived peacefully in our kingdom our ruler was princess Bunny .BC here was one of the royal guards i would steel from the castle and give to the poor she would always case me around one day our princess had an argument with the witch the next day the whole kingdom was burning some were able to evacuate the others were not so lucky while the kingdom was burning P. Bunny Burned along with it the once so happy kingdom was no more " Butch / Robin Hood explained " I'm so sorry i should have never asked " bubbles Said " its ok " i replied

"Hey, how about you br- i mean red do you have do you have a grudge again her as well " i asked " yea but i don't want to talk about it " he said " Um but i- " i was cut of by robin put his hand on my shoulder he shook his head motioning me not to continue "he whispered in my ear " Don't waist your time in asking . when we met i asked him the same thing he said the same reply to me . He will never budge " butch said " maybe its really that bad " i whispered back.

" And remember what does wolves said yesterday that they will take their revenge and other crap about their worthless queen " i said " yea why? " thy said "i have a feeling it will soon come "i said

I'm sorry that its supper short i ran out of ideas ok : (

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