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Unexpectedly, Newt emerged. He'd followed me? Without saying anything he came down and sat facing me.

"I heard what David said... about us," he said quietly. I looked down at my lap, not wanting to make eye contact. "I-I think I remember you."
My head shot straight up. He remembered me? HE REMEMBERED ME? HE REMEMBERED ME? HE REMEMBERED ME? I started grinning straight away but then I noticed Newt's smile wasn't as bright as mine. He had a kind of sad smile.

"I'm not really sure," Newt said, shattering my heart into a million pieces. Again.
"I know David said we dated but I just can't quite remember you fully yet. I'm sorry."
"It's fine," I sighed. "It's not your fault."

I looked down again. So he didn't remember me. Ok then. Tears trickled down my cheeks. I didn't bother to wipe them away. I was upset - more than upset - and I wasn't going to hide it. Newt reached up to my face and wiped my tears away with his thumb. His touch made my face tingle. I wanted to grab his face and kiss him but I couldn't. He didn't know me.

"I should probably get back to Angie. We're talking to David about the escape plan, we're probably going to hold a meeting about it once everything is finalized," Newt said, standing up. "I'll see you later."



We were getting out of the maze. We'd worked it out. With the help of me, Newt, Thomas, Minho and Angie, David remembered key information that would help us escape. There was an invisible hole where The cliff was and we had to jump through it. It would lead us to the Creators possibly. Thomas and Minho went to check out the hole and said they'd outlined it with ivy so no one missed it and jumped into the abyss that was The cliff.

The majority of the gladers agreed to join us. The rest, well, they were being stubborn. Things such as "Why leave and go back to the world if it's ruined, we're good here" were said. Honestly, I thought they were crazy. Who would ever want to stay here.

We planned to leave in one day at sunrise. We spent the rest of the day, gathering the remaining supplies, getting weapons and consulting the younger gladers that everything was going to be okay. Of course the rest of us knew it wasn't. We knew the Creators weren't letting us leave so easily. We'd probably have to battle some grievers and who knew what would be waiting for us when we jumped through the hole.

Newt and I hadn't spoken about the "we used to be a couple before our memories were wiped" thing at all after the time in the woods. It didn't matter though. Once we escaped we could talk about it. I just wanted to concentrate on getting out.

Everyone had a weapon because even though the older people would deal with grievers if we encountered them, it was better to be safe than sorry. I picked out two sharp knives and an air pistol that I slung over my shoulder. I could tell I fought better with knives but knives were a close up weapon and if I needed to get a griever from far away I could just shoot it, instead of throwing a knife and loosing a weapon.

The thought of fighting exhilarated me. I loved being in action. Up close and personal. I wanted to leave right away; fight some grievers, burn some Creators. Unfortunately "we needed time to prepare" as Angie said. Despite my good fighting skills, I was awful at battle tactics. I didn't think things through. I didn't plan. I winged everything. Did everything without a plan. That was the way I liked it. Unexpected. Surprising. It was nice. I liked surprises. Plans always - and I mean always - went wrong anyway.

We'd all abandoned our usual jobs and waiting anxiously for the sunrise. I sat with Thomas at a picnic table. It was just the two of others, the others were getting stuff ready probably.

"Are you nervous?" Thomas asked.
"Um, a tad," I shrugged. "I'm quite looking forward to it though."
"You're really odd, Bianca," Thomas said, shaking his head but smiling at the same time.
"I'm just looking forward to getting out of here and getting my life back," I said.
"Yeah," Thomas said gently.
"Are you nervous?" I questioned.
"Pfffffft no! Of course not!" Thomas said a little too hurriedly.
"Awww is little Tommy scared?" I said in a baby voice, laughing.
"I'm not."
"Oh you totally are!"
"Shut up Bianca," Thomas muttered as a smile creeped on to his face.
"It's ok to be scared," I said. "If you ain't scared, you ain't human."

Thomas sighed and looked up at the sky. The sun was still high in the sky. I estimated about 17 or 18 hours till sunrise. I just wanted sunrise to hurry up. I couldn't stand waiting around and doing nothing. I wanted to leave right away.

"Do you think the grievers will come?" Thomas questioned quietly. I nodded.
"And the Creators are probably going to send an even more horrific monster after us as well, those stupid bastards," I said, rolling my eyes.
"Chuck's klunking his pants over the whole thing. Poor kid's scared out of 'is wits," Thomas commented.
"So's Tate," I responded, "But of course they're going to be scared."
"Do you think our parents miss us?" Thomas asked.


"Due to recent events," Angie began, standing up at the front, while everyone listened patiently, "We are going to try and leave the maze."
"It's going to be dangerous, and not all of us will make it, but I have every faith in you that you will all try your hardest and you won't go down without a fight," Newt said grimly.
"At sunrise tomorrow morning, we will set off into the maze. We don't know what to expect when we get down the hole. If we happen to bump into any grievers, the older gladers will deal with them. There are about fifty of us coming; sadly 20 gladers decided we didn't need to escape even though the Creators literally said hurry up and get out-" Angie rolled her eyes, "-so they shall be staying here. We don't know what will happen to them."
"Err yeah, that's it," Angie finished. "Everyone get plenty of rest and we'll see you in the morning."

Everybody exited the Homestead and went to their usual sleeping places. Tate and I snuggled down immediately. I could feel his nervous. Now that we were actually going to leave, I was starting to feel nervous. No about the grievers, about what we might find when we went through the hole. Or the reasons for the Creators taking us. David had given us brief details but no real useful information.

I was just about to try and sleep when Tate started talking.


Hey everyone! I hope you liked this chapter! They're going to escape the maze!

I hope you had a great day!

- Izabel

The Warrior [a ten part maze runner ff] - COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now