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The time had come. Sunrise. I sat up and rubbed my eyes. The sky looked beautiful. It was a mix of pink, orange and purple. It looked gorgeous. I thought about last night. Angie was dead. Our leader was gone. And we still didn't know who set the Homestead on fire in the first place. I sighed and woke Tate up so we could have a quick breakfast.

Tate, Chuck, Thomas, Teresa and I sat and ate breakfast in silence. We were all to nervous to say anything. No one said it but we all understood why some of the gladers didn't want to come with us. It was terrifying. We were going into the maze. The maze had grievers in it. There was the possibility of getting lost. There was the possibility of death. There was also the possibility of survival and we could escape the horrible maze with the horrific monsters. That's what I cared about. Escaping. Getting my memories back. Maybe being with Newt again.

The dream I had about him made me feel so depressed. I was starting to fully remember Newt yet his memory of me was fuzzy. I knew I shouldn't get mad at him for not remembering me but I still did. I couldn't help it. How could he not remember his girlfriend?

Once we'd all finished breakfast, everyone went to grab their stuff. I fastened the knives to my belt and swung the gun over head. I didn't know how good I'd be at aiming a gun but I decided I was just going to use it for emergencies. Tate had a backpack full of food and he carried a longer knife than mine, like a sword. He was shaking. Poor kid. I couldn't imagine how he must feel. He was terrified of the grievers. As was Chuck, who was carrying another backpack and a pistol. Teresa had a dagger and Thomas held a long spear. The rest of the gladers had weapons too. We weren't soldiers but we were going to have to act like them. We were going to have to act like warriors.

Everyone made their way towards the maze doors and crowded round them nervously. Newt stood in front.

"As you may have seen last night, someone set the Homestead on fire," Newt said in a mono-tone voice. He had dark circle under his eyes and his hair was messy. "Sadly, Angie died in the fire-"
The gladers gasped, and some started crying. "But we most carry on. Angie would have wanted it. We have to escape and we're doing it right now."
"Minho, Thomas, you guys come at the front with me so we can lead the way," Newt said, "Bianca, Teresa and Simon, you three bring up the rear, make sure no one gets left behind."

And then we set off. We ran and we ran and we ran.


Everything was fine at first. We ran along long corridors of the maze. Left, right, right, left. I was starting to get tired, so were some of the others but we kept running. I cheered people on, as did Teresa. I kept focused incase we ran into a griever however things went smoothly. At least that's what it was like in the beginning.

I was running along when I slammed into the back of a glader who I didn't know the name of. The whole group had stopped.
"What the shuck's going on?" I asked.
"Grievers," the glader hissed. I stood on my tip-toes trying to see what was going on. We were so close to The cliff. But in front of it were 6 ugly grievers. They were waiting for us. Then I heard it from behind me. That awful whirring, clicking sound. I spun around to see 4 more grievers rolling towards us. I alerted the gladers standing closest to me. We were surrounded. I heard Newt shout at the front.

"Get ready to fight!" he yelled. "CHARGE!"

The battle had begun.

At first I thought there wasn't going to be a problem. Fifty against 10? Easy. But the Grievers kept coming and coming. We were tiring out. I swung my knives and I stabbed grievers left, right and centre. Bodies of gladers and grievers littered the corridor. I found myself fighting next to Newt at one point.

"We have to start getting people down the hole or ALL of us are going to die!" I shouted to him as I severed a grievers long metallic arm that wanted to stab me with a needle.
"You're right!" he shouted back, spearing a griever in it's disgusting body. "Get Teresa and Thomas to start helping people down the hole!"

It was an utter blood-bath. I found Teresa just as she killed a griever and told her the plan. And it worked. The younger gladers had disappeared. I saw Tate and Chuck jump through the whole. At least they were safe from the grievers. But the plan had a flaw: there was still a ton of grievers and now less gladers to fight them. I didn't want to sound cocky but I knew I could do it. I was trained for this. I had Newt on one side and Thomas on the other. Teresa, Minho, Simon, Leo, Rebecca and Josh were all still fighting. We could do this. We were so close to escaping. Freedom was within our reach. We just had to beat a dozen grievers first. And we did just that. We impaled grievers and swung our swords and spears. I dropped my knives at one point and used my gun. I don't know what I was thinking. I had a fantastic aim.

We'd done it. No more grievers were coming. We'd defeated them. I cheered and ran and jumped into Newt's arms. I could taste the freedom.

"We did it Bianca," Newt said quietly. Even though I couldn't see his face, I could hear the smile in his voice.
"I know!" I said happily, "Freedom!"
We all then lined up and jumped into the hole, one by one, Newt and I at the back of the line.
I didn't hear it until it was too late. The whirring. I thought I might've been imagining it. I turned around and there in front of me was a slimy, sickening, nauseating griever. One of it's metal arms was stuck out, a long sharp knife on the end. I didn't react quick enough. The griever stabbed me right in the chest. My shirt soaked with blood and I fell to the ground.

Newt must have heard me fall as he spun round, and threw his spear, killing the griever. He ran up to where I laid, and knelt beside me. He cupped my face with his hands and kissed me lightly on my forehead. Tears were spilling out of his eyes. I could feel myself fading. Newt shook his head.

"You can't die!" he cried. I smiled at him weakly.
"It's time for me to go," I whispered. Newt held on to my hand tightly.
"No," he sobbed. "No. Don't go."
My eyes closed. The last thing I heard was: "I remember you."

And then I died.


Hey everyone! Well, the end! I killed Bianca I'm sorry don't hate me please. I've worked so so hard on this fan-fiction so I really hope you enjoyed reading it! I've started to write a percy jackson fan fic so I'd be eternally grateful if you check it out!

Anyway, thanks for all the support on this, I hope you all have great days and I'll see you soon!

- Izabel

The Warrior [a ten part maze runner ff] - COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now