My Hero Academia shifting script

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Full name: Lee Savannah

Nicknames: van, vana, vans

Birthdate: August 3rd

Age: 18

Looks: (lavender purple eyes, average size nose, natural pink lips, round face)

Gender: female

Race: white

Ethnicity: Japanese american

Height: 5'7

Languages: I speak and understand english

Weight: 160

Body appearance: small waist, medium size butt and size 44D boobs

Positive traits: giving, nice, hardworking

Negative traits: anxious, shy, depressed, lose focus easily, I don't care about myself as much as I care for others.

Likes: the smell of honey, a spring morning, staying in bed late.

Dislikes: loud chewers, and speakers, people with way to much energy, pick mes'

What do you smell like? Sweet roses/honey roses

Body hairs? No hair anywhere except for my head, eyebrows, and eyelashes

Acne? I have no acne

Clothing style? Edgy, colors of black, white, grey, and dark colors

Hair? Short, blue, goes down to my collar bone.

What year are you? Third year

Where do you live in your DR? Japan

If you're a girl, do you get your period? No, I do not get my period nor can I get pregnant

Are you healthy? Kind of, I have a good diet but my sleep schedule is messed up

Have any illnesses? Yes, I have anxiety, mainly social anxiety, depression, ADHD and dyslexia


amaki amajiki, my best friend. We have known each other since the second grade when my friend Mario went up to him and asked to be his friend, he then introduced me to him.

Nejire Hado, my closest friend out of the three, we have been friends, basically since  where babies.

and lastly Togata Mirio, like I said earlier Mirio and I have known each other since the second grade as well, he was just so positive, he basically made friends with everyone in that class, and further on.

Enemies: only the league of villians

My boyfriend is keigo takami also known as the pro hero, Hawks.

What is your Desired Reality?

My Hero Academia

(Other scenarios)

What school do you go to? UA High School

~classes? First period hero course, then core classes after, example maths, history, science, and language.

~Whos in your classes? tamaki, nejire, and mirio,

~Contest? Only against bakugou

~Drama? Hagekure, first year, class 1-A with shouta aizawa, keeps tryna take my man

~clubs? No clubs

What does your home look like? I live in the UA dorms

Safeword or action to come back to your CR: saying ' red light ' three times

~I will NOT experience any type of trauma

~I will not die

~I will not get attached

~I do not have anxiety or depression or any mental health problems

~ I do not feel any real pain, if I do it isnt noe physical only cr

~one hour in my car is one month in my dr

~my clone will be sleeping in class. Until nejire shakes me awake

- when I arrive in my desired reality I will smell cleaning products, such as bleach and lysol, when I feel nejire shaking me awake, I wake up and start putting my things away, it is the end of the day and I am going to visit my boyfriend Keigo p, at his house. When I walked in, as expected, he's playing video games in the living room,

fter a while he gets of and kisses me we have a normal day and everything is good.

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