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It normally would be dark this deep into a cave, but Isa was surrounded by glowing sights that illuminated her troubles. Around her were thin but surprisingly strong walls constructed of a yellow sticky substance that were difficult to pull one fingers from. Isa beat her fists against the walls imprisoning her but no matter what she did she knew that they would not ever give away.

It was foolish for her to go in so deep, to follow her torchlight into the cave this far, it was almost as if she was drawn here by an invisible hand. She remembered putting each foot in front of the other until something grabbed her. Isa remembered screaming for help but nothing would come to her aid. She dropped her torch to the ground and she watched it become a speck as some sort of massive bug carried her off into the dark.

Then she was here, stuck, trapped, imprisoned in a honey-comb like structure. Around her was the buzzing of wings in the brightness but she could not see over the walls surrounding her.

These were the Northern bees. The bees of fear and destruction. The ones that raided close by villages and that took no prisoners. Isa remembered exploring a village attacked by the bees, nothing except for ruined buildings and shacks were left, but covering every inch of every surface was a strange honey like slime.

The hives were so hard to locate and find because of how rare they were. There were only two ever found and their locations were not precise. Isa remembered the reports published about how many lives were lost trying to document their locations.

Isa prided herself as an expert on the Northern bees, she was the only one who knew basically anything about them, if there was one person qualified to make any sort of decision about the bees it was Isa. All her life she had been fascinated by them. She was fascinated by their bodies and the mysteries surrounding them. How did they evolve? Why did they always attack villages and what did they do with their victims?

All these questions that would never be answered.

Until now...

Isa's thoughts were interrupted as the ceiling of her cell was ripped off by powerful fingers. A face poked itself in and smiled at the smaller woman inside.

"Well hello there my tasty snack! The Queen will see you now!"

The face was that of a woman and she moved into the cell that held Isa, she looked like the top half of a woman with boobs and slightly yellow skin and the bottom half of a bee with the massive hulk of an abdomen. Every inch of her was covered in sickly sweet honey that dripped and dribbled onto Isa as she was picked up and flown out of her imprisonment. As she was carried up by the six sticky legs she stared at her surroundings.

Inside the hive were massive waterfalls and pools of honey in the open cavern, odd plants grew at the bottom and swarms of bees flew through the air as Isa was carried up and up and up.

Eventually the bee-woman carried Isa to a small platform at the top of the cavern and gently set her down. Behind her the bee landed with a dull thud and Isa stood to her feet to run.

"Ah ah ah... you shan't run because you have nothing to fear from us. The bee smiled a grin spreading on her thin yellow lips. "Besides if you do I'll have to wrestle you down to the ground and I'll gobble you up."

"But why?" Isa begged as she thought about running, doing anything to escape.

"Cuz we need our honey two legs, we won't be able to survive without it. Now walk!" The bee commanded.

Isa followed her orders as her heart threatened to beat out of her chest. She walked into a cave opening covered in glowing honey. Behind her she could hear the gentle pitter patter of the six legs behind her, she looked back and saw the giant woman-bee following her.

The two walked into a small cavern inside, every inch of the surfaces was covered in a large white and yellow ball.

"This is the hatchery my love, but you won't be coming back here... we have another use for that body of yours."

Soon they turned a bend and Isa was greeted by a sight that made her eyes bulge open. In front of her was a shiny golden throne constructed of what seemed to be a solid sort of honey and on the throne was the most beautiful woman half bee Isa had ever seen. Her features were finely cut as if she was carved out of stone and her bare nipples stood erect in the cool air of her hive. Behind her the bee dropped to her six knees and bowed.

"My majesty. I give you... Isa" The bee behind Isa breathed to the Queen bee.

There was a silence as the bee stayed bowed, the Queen's eyes flitted from her loyal servant to her offering standing before her.

"You may stand." She said in a graceful voice and the bee obeyed.

"Now undress her..."

The bee nodded and stepped towards Isa, with a small claw on her hand she ripped the clothes away as Isa struggled.

"Don't fear for we are not here to hurt you, we are here to make you into something better, something grander." The Queen spoke as Isa's clothes fell to a mess at her feet. She shivered where she stood and she covered her privates with her hands. The Queen motioned for Isa to come forward and the bee behind her pushed her naked body close to the Queen.

The Queen shifted her position so that her massive abdomen was between her legs facing Isa, at the tip was a small hole that opened and closed slightly as if it were gasping for breath. The Queen looked at her servant and smiled.

"You may join us for some fun my dear...:"

"Oh yes please my Queen thank you so much!" The bee exclaimed as she stepped closer and put a hand-like limb on the back of Isa's head.

The opening in front of Isa's head stank like sweet honey and it opened more as Isa was pushed closer and closer to it, eventually she lost her balance and she fell head first into the wet mess.

She struggled against her captors as the wet mess around her bulged and moved oddly as it opened further, her face was pushed inside as she struggled her arms around trying to resist the urge to open her mouth and drink up the honey. Something inside grabbed her and she was yanked inside deeper as the bee began to rub the Queen's abdomen. Outside were the gentle giggles of two girls and inside was the low slurping of a body hard at work.

The tunnel around Isa stretched and quivered, leaking honey over her body, along the walls were half digested bodies of the Queen's other meals. Some moved, others grabbed at Isa's limbs but the honey that covered her was too slick, she slipped through their fingers and the wet tunnel pulled her in deeper.

Outside the Queen her nipples were being sucked by her servant bee, her tits leaked sweet creamy honey into the bees mouth as the two had fun with the third moving around deep inside the Queen.

Inside the gut slowed to a stop as Isa was doused in amounts of honey threatening to drown her. Outside the Queen moaned as her gaping hole finished digesting a victim and forced him out as only creamy yellow goop that splattered onto the ground. The servant bee buzzed over and began to lick the remains up as the Queen began to digest her newest victim.

The dark walls inside suckled at Isa's skin, taking away her nutrients like a stomach would to food, but only the food was Isa and she was still alive. She shrunk smaller and smaller as cackles and laughs of the other crazy and disformed prey were made as they shrunk with her, deeper and deeper into the walls.

Isa screamed for help to them but they only laughed as one by one perished by the waves and waves of never ending honey washing over them like waves on a beach. Her bones became weak and the honey that she swallowed started to work away at her insides. Down around her crotch was a pleasant sensation as her now exposed nerves were stimulated as her lower half melted away. Soon others joined her inside and they to cried for help but no help came from Isa and she was now only the husk of the woman she was. She cackled madly at the others up until the very end of her life, up until even her bones dissolved into the honey deep inside the moaning Queen.

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