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This is a bit of a break from the normal book to partake in an Anti-Bullying campaign Wattpad is running.

A lot of times a bully is so successful because they make their victim feel like an outcast, like a strange, different, and unworthy outcast. Whik experiences this when the Grimley brothers make fun of him for being an orphan (while they're orphans too). This doesn't end well for any of them.

I think the best way to stop bullying is to flip that on its head. The person being bullied isn't the outcast, the bully is. If you ever see anyone being bullied, stand up and say something. If everyone else stands together, who is on the bully's side? The bully often stops if suddenly he looks around and people aren't laughing with him, they're condemning his behavior. In my opinion, bullying is a learned behavior, often stemming from the sort of lives someone's parents had. I don't think kids are naturally mean; I think they learned how to be mean from their parents. They don't stand on a moral high ground. No one does.

I found a quote today on bullying that I really liked. I'm out of college and I have never experienced severe bullying, though I've had my taste of it, but I can't tell people enough that school is tough. Kids aren't sure who they are, they're smushed into this room with dozens of kids unlike them, and they're asked to learn about the world. It's scary. But it passes, so try to keep your head up, share your story, and find an outlet that turns that pain into something beautiful. And if you feel like you've done everything you can, reach out to someone. It's easy to feel really alone in this world and it's hard to ask for help, but everyone has a time of need. Don't be embarrassed to acknowledge yours.

If anyone has any stories of bullying, share them in the comments along with the #NoMoreBullying hashtag. 

"When people hurt you over and over, think of them like sand paper; They may scratch and hurt you a bit, but in the end, you end up polished and they end up useless." -Chris Colfer

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