Chapter 2 (The Hospital)

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I get to the hospital and are taken into a operation room. You are force to stay there while your wounds are stitched up.
But there were no wonds to be stitched up. That did a brain scan to see if you had gotten a concussion but it show no sign of one but they insist they keep you overnight or atleasta couplemore hours. "Just in case" they say.
You accept the staying while you watch TV and go through the newspapers. As you see your story on all of them.
Hank walks in with Celeste which automatically jumps onto the bed and begins to lick you face as she happily wags her tail. Hank says she pulled me in here as fast as she could i guess she's glad to see your okay.
After making sure you are in good spirits Hank begins to talk.

I say "Sorry you know me lieutenant Anderson i rush into situations to often to help without thinking like i should I'm just glad i had a vest on."
"Well I know that and you were right to do what you did. A vest can only do so much against a bullet.

I say "Yeah i know I'm surprised you haven't gotten a call from my mother or step dad Jason. They are really worry warts about this kind of stuff."
"Not to worry yourself so much. I've been working with you for a while now and know you're not scared of the outcome. As an added bonus, you also haven't called me lieutenant in months"

I say "You mean a month considering we've only known eachother for that long."
"Ah yes, but you know how some people are when they are promoted."
He walks over and opens the door for you.

I say "But you've been a lieutenant for years before i came along"
"Yeah and a day will come when you rise up and leave me here. Then I'll be a lowly sergeant again." He laughs.
As he opens the door you can feel a slight breeze blow by.

I say "So how you been feeling getting drunk because of his death or are you starting to getting better."
"For the most part I'm doing better. The alcohol helps me cope with it a lot. Still miss him of course.

I say "Yeah i would too i'm still not surprised that you have depression from the accident."
"Oh no, I'm not. Its fine. I'm not even on medication for it."
You give a bit of a pause.

I say "Really is saw you playing Russian roulette after getting really drunk last week."
He gives a bit of a chuckle and says "You saw that?"
"Yeah, I'm not stupid. I'm glad you're okay though.

I say "Did i tell you who i meet after being woken up."
He begins to chuckle again.

I say "I know you hate androids for your sons death but i me one that's name was Connor he's a brand new state of the prototype an Rk800. He saved my life. I wouldn't be surprised if he became our new partner in three months to help with the deviant cases even though we are on homocide for now."
His face shows a little surprise and he is silent for a moment.
"You met him.
He continues "An RK800?

I say "Yup an rk800 nobody knows about him yet."
"That's...unbelievable. Wow. If this gets out, we're gonna have a riot on our hands." He says in disbelief.

I say "What do you mean."

I say "Do you want to bet on something? Cause i've got a bet for you."
"Oh? What is it?"
"I bet you he will joins us on a case in three months. If i win you have to buy all my drinks at Jimmy' bar aswell as yours. If i lose i'll pay for yours and mine."

I say "is it a bet?"
"Of course its a bet now say yes to accepting the bet."
He looks into your eyes for a second as the two of you seem to make a deal.
Then a male andriod Doctor named Liam comes in to check on you.
"Ah there you are. How are you feeling?"
"I'm fine sir.

I say "Hey doc can i speak with you in private for a bit if you don't mind?"
"Oh? Well sure, just let me know when its over." He says and leaves.
You tell Anderson to continue the bet and he gives you a raised middle finger with the hand not holding the gun.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 20, 2021 ⏰

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