Destiny Joy Dragneel Character intro plus backstory

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This story will contain cuss words and sex or mentions of it. Also blood maybe some gore.

She is five foot three and has blue grey eyes after she trained with the dragons. She has shoulder length blonde hair with cyan tips. She is the daughter of Mavis and Zeref. Zeref doesn't know she is his daughter. Zeref I'd the one who named her. She is a elemental, mirror, and dream dragon slayer. She got sent back in time by Zeref with mini eclipse gate that got destroyed after it was used. You started your training with Eleme ( the for basic element dragon), Speculo (mirror dragon), and their daughter Somni (the dream dragon) since she were three years old. She also has the contridary curse. You are also known as The Watcher (I know it sounds weird/Creepy but for some reason that's only what my sixteen year old brain could think of at the time) across worlds and dimensions. You are also cupid across worlds. She was born three months before August and also has past vision as well as an improved version of Mavis's illusion magic. Which allows the illusion to be able to be touched and cast attacks. She also has future vision at first it's only who's she's related to. But after she got the the curse it everyone besides her.. her future vision works to were she can see the future if she didn't exist (meaning it follows the manga/anime or current dimension/world she is in). She and Natsu are really close they call each other brother and sister. They joined Fairytail at the same time. Natsu can be scared of her when mad like how he is with Erza. After her being cursed she became the zero wizard Saint (the magic council only knows of this). She had an exceed named Stella Happy's twin sister. She looked exactly like Happy except she had a white star patch on her right shoulder. Her fairytail mark is the one above.

She does have some what of an alternative ego like Zeref does with his curse. That alter ego she calls Choice. Which is the enbodiment of the curse, her hate and the evil within. Basically her eyes turned in this state and her hair goes black with red tips.

She made a deal with God Ankhserm to be able to control her curse and let her parents get what they truly wanted ( which is close to the end of the manga no spoilers just in case) in exchange she had to become the balance of life in death aka The Watcher and cupid. Basically you know the feeling when you want to hurt a fictional villain that's kinda what she does. In this Story she will be Ra9 in this alternate dimension of dbh. Her mission is to make sure the revolution goes smoothly and to make sure Connor goes deviant. She is 18 when the story starts. Also in the the story she will refer herself when in the dbh world as Destiny Rinaldo or Detective Rinaldo.

~~How She Got the curse ( warning it will eventually become a little bit sadistic or twisted) she is 16 in this~~

The magic council sent me on quest today to take down a dark guild that is tormenting the citizens of the town. I of course accepted thinking it would be easy. So made my way there with Stella. "Ugggh... I hate trains. Do we have too?" I said. "Yes we do Destiny. The magic council specifically asked for you and you accepted you can't back out now. You should have known a train was going to be evolved eventually." Stella replied. "I forgotttt. You don't have to act so responsible." "Yes I do or who else would surly not you. Besides the sooner this is over the sooner we get mango mochi." "Yeah your right, but still doesn't change the fact that hate trains. Seriously Stella I don't know what i'd do without you." "Me too Destiny. Now let's go."

After that long an gurling train ride we made our way to the dark guild Felstars and snuck in. We began our attacks but we were outnumbered. We had each other's backs but that was enough. One of the guild members was hiding and I was so focused on the people in front of me that I didn't notice some shooting a magic attack at me. I hear a yell that comes towards me say "watch out" but I was to late Stella jumped in an took the hit. Time froze as blood splattered all over me. Her last words were "do what you have to... I'll be fine"  then in that moment you felt yourself going out of your body but not. Your hair turned black and eyes turned blood red. You stood up not being able to control your body. You feel tears run down your face. I say not in control " You've messed with the wrong person. You've messed with the daughter of the man you worship. You've made me angry and you will pay for what you did to her." My aura has completely changed and they are shaking. I cast dream dragon secret art: Infernal nightmare. It mixed with something that I didn't recognize. It caused the guild member to relieve their worst nightmare over and over again. All while every bone in there body's break one by one just to heal and happen all over again while there pain increases. I hate the sounds of there screams but the thing that was control my body loved it and started laughing. It then took Stella and found a place to berry her. I then realized what it was it was the contridary curse cause I stopped caring about people's lives.

I told the magic council that the job was done and began to train my emotions to find the balance between caring and not. Within three months I learned how to.. God Ankhserm noticed and stroke a deal with me I agreed.

The Watcher/Ra9Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin