2. 147

9 2 0

   3 Hours Ago

"Do you want me to come with you?" Akihiko asked Ritsuka as he unbuckled his seat belt. They were parked outside the Yanaka cemetery.

"I'll be fine." It's 7 am. The place is empty, not that cemeteries were usually crowded. Ritsuka walks towards the left area of the plot, a bouquet clutched in his hand, grass crunching under his feet. He stops in front of an arced headstone, sheltered in the shade of a blooming cherry blossom tree. Engraved into the stone are the words -

Uenoyama Yayoi.

21.04.1999  ~ 22.08.2020

"Hey..." Ritsuka sighs crouching by his sister's headstone. He was used to talking like this, more to his surroundings than to himself. The flowers he left last time are gone. "So..." Ristuka's voice is soft almost strained as he speaks. "I'm gonna move into my dorm today." He picks a dry leaf that has fallen near him and closes his fist around it, a satisfying crackle fills his ears. "My classes will start tomorrow. Mom is doing okay. She's really happy you know... Kaji-san's father isn't that bad and Kaji-san is kinda amazing. You would've liked him." He sighs again, looking up at the sky. "Dad texted me today, wishing me the best of luck. He couldn't get the emoji's right and instead of sending me a thumbs up he sent me a bunch of arrowheads." A chuckle escapes his lips but the sound fades away quickly. He puts the bouquet on the ground, leaning it against the stone tablet as he stands up. "I miss you, sis. I'll stop by again soon." He starts walking towards the gate, hands deep in his pockets.


Mafuyu's room was the last one in the corridor. A clear plastic tag with the number 147 was attached to his room key. Ugetsu had helped him check-in but he had to leave because he had an early shift at work. Balancing a box full of books Mafuyu grabbed the knob, the door was unlocked. He was told at the student counter that his roommate had already arrived. The door creaked as he opened it. He saw an Arctic Monkeys poster hanging halfway up on the wall. Deep ocean-colored eyes met his. They were captivating but looked tired and somewhat familiar.

"Hey!" The boy said stepping forward. It seemed like he held out his hand for a shake but pulled back. There were bits of clear tape stuck to four of his fingers. He had seen his roommate's name while signing the sheet when he checked in.

Uenoyama Ritsuka

Their names were written next to each other. He noticed how both of their names had the characters for seasons in them. Summer and Winter. "Uenoyama-kun?" Mafuyu confirmed. His roommate had dark tousled hair and his bangs covered most of his forehead, he had a piercing in the center of his lip which made him look even more attractive but he looked exhausted like he hadn't gotten enough sleep.

"Yea... I'm Uenoyama Ritsuka"

"I'm Mafuyu." After a pause, he added "Satou." He was used to introducing himself with his first name. "Satou Mafuyu."

Mafuyu dragged the rest of his luggage inside the room. Ritsuka helped his with his boxes. Their RA knocked on the door at around 12 noon. He made sure they checked in just fine and that they weren't carrying any items that weren't allowed on campus. After informing them about the cafeteria's mess system he left.

"Do you play?" Mafuyu pointed at Ritsuka's guitar as he started to unpack his stuff.

"Yea. I'm a music major. What about you?"

"Huh?" Mafuyu was looking at him blankly.

"What are you majoring in?"


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⏰ Last updated: May 20, 2021 ⏰

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