Fine I'll Do It

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When Asami woke up, it was day out and her bed was still soaked with tears and drool. The light from the window was almost blinding. Asami squinted to see. She sat up in her messy bed with her messy hair and messy clothes. Sitting up just barely got her face out of the light. She rubbed her puffy, red eyes and looked around. When she turned to her right, she saw Korra. Asami almost fell of her bed at the sight of her.
"K-Korra?! What are you-?" Asami almost screamed
"I was worried about you when you didn't come to the tree. I really thought you would of." Korra replied, pain in her voice.
"I-I was planning on it but..." Asami gulped. "I thought you didn't want to see me..." She knew that was a lie.
"Of course I did wanted to see you." Was Korra's only reply. They sat in silence for a few minutes until Korra tried to scoot closer. Asami replied to her by scooting away.
"I'm sorry about trying to get you to... Umm... Yeah. I'm sorry." Korra said, blushing.
Asami stayed quiet. She looked at Korra, then away.
"Asami..." Korra put her hand forward, accidentally placing it on Asami's. Asami quickly took her hand back. When she looked back at Korra, her eyes were tearing up.
"Asami! What's the matter?" Korra was clueless to why Asami was crying. She tried to scoot closer and console her but Asami backed away more.
"Just... Just get out! I don't want to see you right now!" Asami practically yelled.
Korra was taken aback. She sighed, put her head down, then quietly left. She closed the door gently and slid down it. Now she was tearing up. Korra put her hand on her head. "God damn it..."
Asami planted her head in her pillow and started sobbing quietly. She had no idea what to do. No idea how to fix this. She knew one way, but she didn't know if she could still be able to do it. But if their relationship was to be repaired, she'd have to do it. It took her an hour and a half to muster up the courage to open the door and let Korra back in. When she opened the door, Korra was just leaving. "W-wait!..."

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