Carmel White

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I winced as we hit another bump. Horse drawn carriage was not my preferred method of transportation but it got the job done. It was much better than my mother's magic though, because with her twisted sense of humor I'd probably end up in the boy's bathroom or (somehow) on top of someone. My driver yelled back telling me we were almost there. "Shit!" I cursed under my breath. I thought we had almost an hour left! Quickly I grabbed my clothes off the seat and attempted to change, and fix my hair. What if people didn't like me? I thought, in a panic, and then I remembered I was supposedly 'evil' so of course they wouldn't like me.
The lush green pastures slowly changed into forest and then I saw the school. It was a giant castle with an impressive court yard and bridge leading over a river. I gasped and pressed my face up to the window, causing my hair to stick to it. We pulled up in front of the castle. I shouldered my backpack and jumped out of the carriage. I laughed when I saw my driver attempting to get my trunks out of the back. There was no way he could carry those, they were stuffed with books.
"Don't worry. I'v got it," I said.
"Are you sure miss?", he asked.
"I said. I. Got. This," I replied. My voice came out hasher than intended and I realized I sounded like my mother. "Uh... Sorry," I muttered. I pointed my finger at the trunks and instantly they began to shrink. Once they were the size of books, I picked them up and put them in my backpack. "Thanks.", I smiled at my driver and then started walking towards the school.
I took a deep breath and popped a piece of gum in my mouth. I can do this! I walked towards the school. As I got closer to the front I heard more and more whispers and could feel more people pelting me with dirty looks. When I got to the door a boy stood holding it open and staring at me, his mouth wide open.
"It's rude to stare," I said, rolling my eyes. I continued towards the office, which as dumb as it sounds, was half way down the hall. I didn't know who designed this place but they must have known I was coming and wanted everybody to get in the maximum stare at the new kid time.
I walked into the office and went over to the lady at the desk. "Ah. You must be Malery.", The lady at the desk said. She had half-moon glasses and white hair so I figured she was a fairy godmother or something. I nodded and she handed me a stack of papers with a bronze key on top. "Here is your schedule, your room key and everything you need to know about this school. Classes start tomorrow at eight," The lady smiled as I walked out. I stood over by the door of the office in the hall flipping blindly through my papers. A girl with incredibly pale skin and a red dress came up to me.
"Hi!" She said, her voice high and preppy, "I'm Carmel White." It took all I had not to barf all over her rhinestone encrusted designer gown, mostly because my stomach was churning already but also because I knew who she was.
"Hi. I'm Malery," I smiled sweetly, annoyed by the fact that Carmel didn't know who I was, we had met multiple times before, "Malery Evil."
"Oh," her preppy voice fell flat, "Of course! How could I forget?" Her voice had an edge to it all the sudden, "Well, I'll see you around." She turned abruptly. Her hair whipped me in the face and her arm hit my papers causing me to drop them.
"Oops! Sorry," She smiled sweetly at me. I knelt down and started picking up my papers. This was going to be a long year.

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