The Third Chapter

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(Get yo tissues I guess, this will be an interesting thing to write about.)

(Edit: This isn't that sad, no one will die or anything so it really isn't bad. I was just being a wimp... Compared to what happened this is really nothing TwT)


Y/N's pov

It's dark it was quiet and I haven't found anyone else here... Nothing was going to ever respond to my cries. I have been trying to call for anyone to hear me out in this dark void but haven't succeeded in getting any help.

Was life I lived just a dream or did I die and end up here?... 

All these thoughts had been going over my mind for who knows how long. I have nothing making me able to see the time. It's been making me worried since it just adds to how little I know about this void... 

The only thing that I have been able to hear is a constant beat of a monitor. Hopefully, it was monitoring my beat and I was just in some sort of hospital. It made me somewhat know that I might not be completely dead...


Garcello's pov

I was on the chair that I have probably been on more times than I have been smoking at this point...

It feels like it has been way too long. Even though the visiting hours here are making it impossible I was able to stay almost every night. Except for Tuesdays that is...

I had been going off smoking for a while in-between visits but I haven't stopped. I have just been worried and since there are strict rules about smoking in this building...

It has made me so worried that I have tried to wait a few hours before coming back since the smell makes others give me a weird look...

Looking over to Y/N he was sleeping pretty peacefully like he doesn't know what is going on. The bandages have been taken off a long time ago and replaced with a glass ball to make sure he doesn't feel uncomfortable without an eyeball... 

They had to remove the eye since it was way too broken but they believe his other eye only got covered with blood and it didn't break his sight on that one...

I know that the doctors and nurses are doing their best but... I just wish I could help more-

The monitor makes a weird noise and I jump from my seat and away from my thoughts!

I look over to Y/N and I freeze. 

He is moving, not a lot but he is definitely moving!

I take his hand in mine and he stops moving. I don't know if he was just shocked or just calmed down after moving... Please...

"Whhhhhhhhh...." He said. His voice was very dry and he seemed to have a really hard time speaking. I pressed on a button I was told to press when he needs something like switching cables, though right now that isn't all he needs...

A doctor I haven't seen before comes in with a nurse and the doctor starts to ask me questions about what is going on.

"He is awake, but his voice is clearly dry. He was trying to say something but couldn't because of that." I told him trying to be as calm as possible even though I feel like a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders I am still worried about the future.

"Alright, that is fine. There might be a chance that he will slip back into sleep again but it would be highly unlikely since he is in a perfectly fine condition except for his eye." The doctor said.

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