Chapter 3- the next step

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As you walk the long and arduous walk to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, perhaps you feel a pang of guilt for your mourning parents but you must leave that behind you. It is nowhere near so bad as what you must do next. It is well known amongst Squib scholars that there is only one way to give a Squib magic. It just so happens that the only way for you to enter Hogwarts is the most dastardly deed any sorcerer can commit. Perhaps even worse than creating a horcrux. For a Squib to gain magic they must kill a magical muggle-born and mix their blood with their own. Then, once they have gained powers they must use the sorcerer's skeleton as a morph suit for their brain so as to retain the sorcerer's magic. The change would be irreversible but if that is the price you have to pay to go to Hogwarts, then you must pay it. Luckily, this solution also serves as the perfect disguise. The only thing to do is to route out your ideal victim. The more magical power the better. It's not long until you find the perfect candidate. A young witch named Luci Pobbsmufnn- she's a very powerful witch with excellent potential. You'd have to learn how to obliviate her parents so it's good you're by no means deficient in intelligence. Now with Luci's magical gifts you'd be the full wizarding package. You quickly perform the deadly deed and assume her identity. Luci Pobbsmufnn. You feel the name suits you well. Ok- now the game is set. You are officially on your way. A young witch just beginning your magical career. 

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