Chapter 1: When it all started

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Avery lay in bed like she did every other summer night. Sweating, all alone, feeling like she needed something to fight for. Something that could change the world. Her sister Emily walked into her bedroom, I cant sleep, I am scared she said. I want to stay here with you. What are you scared of? Avery asked like she didnt know what Emily was scared of, but she knew that pretending that she didnt know would help. Her sister Emily just stepped into Averys bed and started crying. It's okay, you are safe with me. Nothing can hurt you; you are strong. You are just like mom, dad, Oliver, Everly, Trinity, Lilyanna and little Arthur and me all Griffins. All so strong, look at father, he is probably the most honourable man I know. And what about mother, she is always there when you need her. Everly is so talented on so many aspects of life. Do you remember the time that Trinity brought the flowers on the dinner table back to life by only looking at them? You are just as good as they are and maybe even better. Avery saw that Emily was comforted by her words and had laid her head on her lap. After a while Avery was sure that Emily was sleeping, so she also closed her eyes and fell asleep.

The next morning Avery was awakened by the sound of her sister trying to sneak out of her room. Emily, you dont have to go, you can stay if you want to. Her sister turned around, the skin around her eyes was still a little bit red from crying last night. Today is the day I get sorted in my colour; mom wants me ready in an hour for breakfast. said Emily quiet. I am afraid dad wont be happy with my colour. That he will be ashamed of me. Avery finally understood why Emily was crying the evening before, she had been crying for weeks before her colour sorting herself. Dont worry, for me you will always be my favourite sister. Your colour wont change your personality and I know you dont want to be sorted in blue. But blue is even cool, if you get blue you can carry all my stuff. Avery said, hoping to comfort her sister. As if dimensional storage is going to get me further in life. I want to get green, orange or red like you got. I want to fight for something I deeply adore. her sister said, and Avery knew that there was nothing she could do to make her sister feel less nervous. Avery stepped out of her bed and called a maid. We both should get ready.

After Emily left the room, a maid came in to help Avery get ready. Good Morning Miss Griffin. Which colour would you like to wear today? And what do you want for breakfast? said Brooke, Averys personal maid. I would want to wear a rich red coloured dress with silver and blue jewellery. And for breakfast I want some lucky pancakes. Avery answered. While Brooke filled a bath, Avery sat down to read something, a book. The book she got from her mother for her 13th birthday. It was about history, history that is illegal to read for the people in the country. But Avery, as the second born child of the king and queen, could read it. It was about how the colours came to life and the people who got their colour first. Avery had always been interested in the colours and how people knew that they got them. The funny thing that the colours were actually found due to a vaccine that they gave to millions of people. They didnt know that the people were going to have these colours, the colours were only seen on the children of the people who got the vaccine. Ever since, everybody got a colour on the day they turned 7.

I found a perfect dress for you. It is dark red with silver and blue accents. Oliver, Everly and Trinity are wearing the same colours. The dress Brooke found was perfect, it was the most beautiful dress Avery had ever seen. Oh, thank you Brooke. I would love to wear it today to the ceremony. The day you turn is one of the most important days of your entire life. Today was her sister Emilys big day. Her parents were both pinks, that means that you have a very fast learning brain and are able to share information with other pinks without having to tell them. Her brother Oliver is an orange, he is able to control electricity. Her 14-year-old sister Everly is a green, she can create a protection barrier, this can protect you from all the other colours, if 2 greens work together, they can work together to make a very big bowl around them. Trinity, Averys 11 years old sister, is a yellow that means that she can control nature and the weather. The weather can only be changed on a small surface, but if you practice more, it can become more powerful. This is the same with all the other colours, if you practice more, you get better at it and your powers become stronger.

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