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"Alright, we're at Walmart" I said. We went inside & started walking around. "What do we need for the sleepover?" Toybox Asked.

"We aren't only here for the sleepover, we need grocery's idiot"
"Ok so what GROCERY'S do we need then smarty pants?"

"Well lets find out" I said with a sarcastic smile. 

We grabbed a cart and started walking around the store. We got some milk, juice, covers, & air mattresses. "Lets get the king size air mattresses!" Mex exclaimed. "Why? We only need a queen & regular size" I responded. 

"Because, the bigger the better!" 

"Alright, but your paying this time" 

Then, he grabbed 3 of them. We kept walking until we got to the snack isle. Mex grabbed a family size popcorn, Toybox grabbed a family size Doritos back, and I grabbed a family sized Oreo pack. Mex also got the Blow Pops, nerds, & Pop Rocks. We got some more things & headed for the checkout. "You got your card ready Mex?" I asked him. "Yep" He replied. 
So, we went to the self checkout and started scanning everything. After we finished, we clicked done and saw the total. "$250?!" Mex screamed with an inside voice. "I don't know if this is a good idea guys" He said nervously. "Why don't you get rid of the 3 Air Mattresses? They rack up to 75 dollars" I told him. "Or the candy that racks up to 35 dollars? Or the muffins & cake? They literally cost 56 dollars". "How about we remove the milk? & Juice?" He said. "Swipe the damn card Mex" I said in an angry tone. So, we swiped it and we took my bags.

I opened my phone to see a bunch of message notifications, once again. 

                                                                 Today At 12:45 PM
Bubbly: Help-

Dagger: What happened

Bubbly: I hear Amber moaning in the other room


Froggy: Just go downstairs until its over-

Bubbly: Where is Benjii & Toybox

Toybox: At walmart

Bubbly: Come pick me up please

Toybox: Can't

Bubbly: Dagger when are you coming :(

Dagger: In an hour
They should be done by then

Froggy: lmao

Bubbly: Wby froggy?

Froggy: Sorry, my flight isn't until 4:00 :(

Bubby: Ok then :*)

                                                                          Today At 1:30 PM
Dagger: They done yet?

Bubbly: Yea, I think so
I left the house like 5 minutes ago 

Froggy: Well, I wouldn't be surprised if they weren't done 
Good luck

Dagger: I'll be there in in 15 minutes :)

Bubbly: YESS! I Won't be alone
Toybox, you guys done shopping?

Toybox: No

                                                                         Today At 1:40 PM
Dagger: 5 minutes away :D

Bubbly: YAY! I entered the house & they stopped, but they are still upstairs

Toybox: We just left, gonna get Wendy's now

Bubbly: Can you get me something?

Mex: Sure

Toybox: Not a chance

Mex: Lol

Bubbly: Fuck you then

Hi :) I've been gone a while but I'm back! I'm working on all my wattpads atm, but I'm only gonna publish on one at a time 


☀ 𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑫𝒊𝒔𝒄𝒐𝒓𝒅 𝑺𝒍𝒆𝒆𝒑𝒐𝒗𝒆𝒓 ☀Where stories live. Discover now