The Restaurant (1/2)

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Toybox POV

I woke up to a loud banging. All I remember last night was that we were watching a movie. I opened my eyes and saw almost everyone laying on the couch. Benjii fell a sleep with his phone on his hand, Michael had a bottle in his hands, and Froggy and Bubbly were sliding off the couch. I looked to my right and saw Dagger laying on my shoulder.  I slightly moved her head aside and replaced it with a pillow. 

I got up and went to see what the banging was. I looked around the corner and saw Mex banging a hammer against a nail. "Dude what the hell? Its 7 in the morning." I yelled at him. "I'm trying to hang a cool poster a got at this garage sale" He replied. "Can't you use a drill or something that makes LESS NOISE" I continued.

"Michael broke the drill while trying to open a bottle with it"

" Of course it was Michael"  I said in my head.

"Can't you do this later?" I asked

"I could, but I wanna do it now" He replied

So, I walked away. A few minutes later, he started using the hammer again. I saw Dagger get up and walk towards him. She took his hammer and threw it in the trash. "Hey, why'd you do that?" He asked her. "I was TRYING TO SLEEP" She replied. Then, went back to sleep. Mex ended up grabbing the hammer and used it again. So, Dagger got up again and this time, she took the hammer and ripped the poster. Then, walked away again. 

Then, a few minutes later Dagger got up. "Thanks a lot Mex, I can't go back to sleep." "Not my fault you disturbed my work" Mex mumbled. "Morning Daggy" I said. "Call me that again and you'll have to sleep with one eye open" Dagger said, annoyed. "Ok cranky pants" I replied, poring a bowl of Fruit Loops. 

"Whatcha gonna eat?" I asked.

"Pancakes" Dagger replied.

"You can make pancakes?" 

"What do you think?"

"Damn I was just asking."

Dagger grabbed the ingredients, a bowl, and a mixer and started making the pancakes. A few minutes later, Froggy and Benjii woke up. "Morning Benj" Dagger said, knowing it would annoy Benjii. "Dagger, I will dump the batter all over your head if you call me that again" Benjii replied, still kind of asleep.

"Try it and you'll regret it" Dagger responded.

"You wanna bet?" Benjii replied.

"Hey, hey, can you guys not argue for once?' Froggy asked.

"Once she stops calling me benj" Benjii replied. 

"You guys sound like you're five" I chirped in.

                                                           ~~An Amazing Time skip Later~~

Everybody woke up and gathered around the table to eat the pancakes. "I didn't know you can make pancakes" Bubbly said. "Yea, these actually taste good" Mex added. "Yea whatever, saver every bite, because I'm not making more" Dagger replied, annoyed that everyone's surprised. 

"What should we do today" Froggy asked.

"Stay at home, watch a movie, play a game, the norm" Mex replied.

"But the norm is boring, we should go out or something!"

"I agree with Froggy, we haven't went out since Dagger got back from the hospital" Benjii said.

"How about we go to the mall?" Bubbly suggested. 

"Or a club?" Michael suggested.

"How about a restaurant?" Benjii suggested.

"Sounds good" I replied.

"Fine with me" Mex replied.

"It better have a bar, or I'm out" Michael said. 

"You want drunk 21 year olds hanging out in the middle of a dinner?" Froggy asked, confused 

"Sure, those too" Michael replied, braindead.

"Anyways.... lets get ready at 5, alright?" Benjii asked.

"Alright" Everyone replied. 

                                                                 ~~ Two Beautiful Hours Later (2:30 PM)~~
(Still ToyBox POV)

I was playing Osu in my room for a while to kill some time, when I got bored. I decided to go watch some TV. As I walked to the living room, I saw Dagger sitting down. "Hey, whatcha watchin'?" I asked. "Just some TV" she replied.

"I mean, what show" I replied. 

"Oh, the set channel was nickelodeon, so I let it play." She replied. 

"Ah, ok"

I went sit down next to her, but I didn't know what to say after. We just sat there watching SpongeBob for the next few minutes. We didn't really say anything to each other, so I got up to get a snack. "Can you get me a Trix yogurt?" Dagger asked. So, I grabbed two Trix yogurts, two spoons, and went to sit down. A few minutes later, we went to throw away the yogurts and went right back to SpongeBob. "You know, we've never been alone really" I said. "Mhmm" She replied. I put my arm around her, just to see what would happen, and nothing did. We both just sat there, watching SpongeBob. 

                                                           ~~Once Again, Another Time Skip (4:50)~~

"Hey, wake lovebirds" Froggy said. "It's time to get ready." I got up and saw that Dagger was laying on my chest. "Hey, Daggy wake up." I said. "Don't call me that" She said, still laying down. "C'mon Daggy, we gotta get ready" I said, annoying her on purpose. She then got up, flicked me off, and walked upstairs. 

I got up, and walked upstairs to my room. Michael &  Benjii were in their private bathrooms, Froggy was in the 1st Guest bathroom, and Bubbly was in the 2nd One. "Great, all the bathrooms are taken" Dagger said. "You can use mine" I offered. "No chance, I rather use a beach shower." Dagger replied. "Your loss" I said, walking away. After everyone finished getting ready, we all hopped in the van Michael & Mex bought without permission. "See, this is useful" Michael. "It was 80 grand for an 8 seat van, this looks like something you kidnap a kid with." Benjii replied. 

Benjii hopped in the drivers seat, I hopped in the passenger seat, Bubbly, Froggy, and Dagger hopped in 2nd row of seats, and Michael and Mex hopped in the back of the car. "Hey, can we go pick up Amber?" Michael asked. "No chance" Benjii replied. "How is she gonna get here?" Michael asked. "Call her an Uber or something" Benjii replied. 

"What restaurant are we going too?" Benjii asked

"I heard they opened a new restaurant just a few minutes away" I suggested

"Does it-" Michael asked, before I cut him off. 

"Yes, it does have a bar" I replied.

"Ok then, put it in the GPS" Benjii said. So, I put it on the Car's GPS and it said it would take 20 minutes to arrive. Froggy, Bubbly, and Dagger ended up watching Stranger Things on the screen in the back, Mex and Michael were looking at Instagram models, and I was watching YouTube. 
"Damn, she's thick!" Michael said. "Don't you have a girlfriend?" Dagger asked. "Yea so?" Michael asked. "Its just Instagram models." He continued. "Whatever" Dagger said. 

"Lets listen to some music" Froggy suggested. "Sure, what song?" Benjii asked. "Let me connect my phone to the car" Bubbly said. Then, she started playing Antisocial 2. "Yea, Yea, Woah, Woah" Dagger sang. "Yea, Yea, Woah, Woah" Bubbly continued. "YEA, YEA, WOAH, WOAH" Michael sang.

"I'm with my twin, finna blow a bag of in Lois" Dagger sang.

"Then go cop a crib on the North Side" Michael continued. 

"1500, thats the gang, no I can not switch on my brothers"

"Li'l bro stay on yo side" 

Then we just listened to the song. We ended up listening to BrooklynBloodPop, Memories, Lot Of Me, Good 4 U, Stay, and Fantasy. Michael, Mex, and Dagger ended up falling asleep. "Alright guys, we're here." Benjii said. Everyone started getting out of the car and we walked to the front desk. "Table for 7 please" I said. "Ok, follow me." The lady said. We started too follow her  to one those wall seat tables. "Here you go, and here are your menus. 

This chapter is probably the LONGEST chapter in the story lol
I've decided to split it into 2 parts though! 
This took me 3 days to finally publish
1325 Words ✨


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