Part 19

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Okay, yes. I am the daughter of Ava Paige, the devil in the flesh. I used to be the perfect princess of WCKD.

I had the brains and the beauty but there was one problem, I didn't agree with what they were doing. I knew what went on inside, behind closed doors. What the real point of WCKD was.

My "mother" needed me to draw in kids, so she started brainwashing me. It stopped working so she injected me with something and sent me through the box. Her perfect prince, Thomas finally fucked up and got sent down too I guess.

Thomas and I aren't related but he was always around. Paige probably loved him more than me. But, I hated him. I fell in love, once. His name was Caelum Ameer and, I loved him. He also was Thomas' best friend. I never really liked Thomas, I more so just tolerated him. Caelum really loved him like his brother so I had too.

One day, Caelum started becoming distant, to this day I still don't know what happened or what I did. About a week after he started becoming distant I remember an alarm going off. I walk to Paige's saferoom because I was still brainwashed and that was my protocol.

In her saferoom were cameras of the entire WCKD base. What i saw was Caelum and Thomas running through the halls. Someone was coming and what I saw next was Thomas push down Caelum. Paige turned the corner and

Thomas said

Thomas: "Ms.Paige, I caught the traitor"

Paige: "I knew I could always count on you. Now, complete the mission" she said as she handed him a gun

Caelum: "Thomas! What are you doing!"

Thomas: "Completing my mission." he said in the most calm and monitone voice possible

I screamed but they couldn't hear me.
I watched as Thomas put a gun to Caelum's head, and shot him, killing him, in cold blood.

Thomas was congratulated and guards came to bring me to my mother but I was a sobbing mess. My mother came in but I fought. She told me to submit or be sent to the maze. My brainwashing had wore off. I told her to send me in the maze because there was no way in hell i would ever submit to her again.
Then, well, you know the rest.

"Hello Daughter"

"Good to see you back honey. Come in?"

"Tell me "mother" how many guards are against the wall waiting to inject me with something?"

"Hold on let me count, 1..2..3..4..5, 5 per side"

"And how many are lethal boys?"

a guard comes out facing me

"Every last one"

Suddenly, a sharp pain in my arm and i black out.

-Meanwhile in the maze......-

Chuck talking to Newt

Chuck: "Newt, is Y/N gonna die?"

Newt: "She's made it before and will do it again"

Chuck: "Promise?"

At that moment Gally comes over shouting about a Keepers meeting

-In the Meeting-

Gally: "So Newt's in charge, Alby's dead and Y/N is in the maze"

Clint: "What do we do? We don't know whats gonna happen tonight even."

Newt: "Bring Thomas in here."

Gally: "No way in HELL will I let him in"

Newt: "I am in charge now Gally. Let him in"

Gally: "At least let me beat him a little first"

Newt: "Gally, do you want to go in the hole?"

Gally: "Calm down bossy piece of clunk, I'm getting him"

A few minutes later Gally returns with Thomas

Newt: "What happened outside the maze? My
guess is somehow Y/N got her memory back and has to do something that was so important...she left. So what do you know?"

Thomas: "I already told you! Nothing!"

Newt: "Gally, have at him. Mihno, you and ke in the runners hut"

Mihno and Newt go to the runners hut

Mihno: "Newt, what do we do without Y/N?"

Newt: "I-I honestly don't know"

Mihno: "Ok, I have an idea but its a crazy one and it could kill us all."

Newt: "Staying another night could do the same thing so, I'm all ears"

I didn't plan to end it here but i saw an opportunity and took it ily besties ✨✨

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