Chapter 01

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I always loved to smiles and laugh.

Always starting a good conversation with my family, my friend, and those I am working with.

But the silence that comes after all the laughing and teasing. All the noises that we made, somewhat makes me feel empty.

Until everyone fall into a nap I am left looking outside the window of a moving car.

Going to our destination and back to our home a routine that we practice every time we get to work.

But I never know that it will be different that time ...

I could not make it to my rented apartment ... I could not make it home.

I am drop to an endless darkness before gaining consciousness and feeling my heavy body again.

I groaned and remembered what happened on our way to our respective destinations.

No ... I could not even remember how it happened but the feeling of my heart skipping a beat, the moment of extreme pain I had when my body slammed against the window of the car.

I felt myself tearing up as I remember the pain and the scare it gives me that time.

I can't help but feel relieved that I survive the incident, knowing that I can have these thoughts right now.

Not until I open my eyes ...

"My Lady ... M-my Lady! Oh my God our Lady is now awake!" I heard some cheerful voices as I stir myself awake.

Is it me? Or not? Maybe I am in a hospital right now.

I tried opening my eyes and welcomed by the fancy painting in the ceiling.

Confused, what's the name of the hospital I am currently admitted? I never heard of some hospitals that now opt to have beautiful painting in their ceiling.

I thought I could experience something like in the novel.

'I woke up and saw a white ceiling ...'

That typical line - - -

But to wake up in such a fancy ceiling ... I grimaced as I can feel the headache coming from the huge amount of hospital bill that I have to pay.

I groaned. Not from thinking of the bill of course but from the pain that I am suffering right now.

"O-oh!?" I exclaimed as I am a bit surprised that I can lift my arms.

I tried moving my hips, good!

My legs and my feet, good!

Thank you Dear God! It seems that I didn't sustain any worse injuries during the incident.

"WAAHH ..." Feeling thankful and amaze I tried to utter those words cheerfully but it more like I am crying from pain than from thankfulness.

Hoarse voice ... it can be solved by drinking water. Let's drink a lots of wateerr!

I looked around trying to find my family, who I am sure was worried about me.

I felt like I want to tell them how much I loved them when I see them.

This is making me cryy ...

Th-there! A n-nurse? A m-maid?

Oohh a nurse in a maid uniform? Why though???



"M-my L-lady your awake! Thanks to the God of Light for guiding your soul back to us!" And put both her hands into her heart.

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⏰ Last updated: May 21, 2021 ⏰

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