Chapter Ten

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A/N: Hi everyone! I'm back with another update finally. This chapter demanded Sebastian's POV. It's going to be kind of a frustrating one, but I think it's important for moving along with his character development. As always, I appreciate any and all votes and comments! Enjoy :) 

Sebastian woke up the morning after Christmas with a throbbing headache. He grasped his hair in his hand as he sat up in his bed and checked his phone, instantly needing to turn the brightness down to stop his headache from becoming even more painful. At first, he was shocked when he didn't have any messages from Blaine; it was already late in the morning by the time Sebastian rolled out of bed. But Sebastian was never one to shy away from a flirtatious good morning text, so he decided to make the first move.

Hey Killer. What time should I come over? ;) -Sebastian

He laid in bed staring at the ceiling for a while, trying to work up the energy to get out of bed and start getting ready. Even if he couldn't admit it to anyone, he was excited to spend the day with Blaine. It had been so long since they had time to themselves and he was finally starting to feel like he maybe wouldn't be Blaine's second choice forever. The way Blaine made him feel scared the hell out of him, but as long as they were still talking and spending time together, he could contain that fear and channel it into flirtation.

After almost an hour of lying in bed and scrolling through Facebook, Sebastian was starting to get concerned that he hadn't heard from Blaine yet. He hoped he was still sleeping but started to worry it might be something else. It was already well past 11 am and Blaine rarely slept past 10, much less this late into the day. But Sebastian's headache was finally starting to fade so he decided he'd make the effort to get out of bed and maybe grab a coffee at the Lima Bean while he waited for a text back from Blaine. After all, what he wanted even more than Blaine was to get away from his family.

Unfortunately, it wasn't that easy. He ran into his mother on his way out the door who looked upset that he was leaving. But if he really thought about, Sebastian was shocked she even noticed him at all. "Sebastian, it's almost noon. Where have you been all morning?"

"Sleeping?" He rolled his eyes at his mom in disbelief that she already wanted to start a fight the day after Christmas.

"You shouldn't be sleeping this late. Maybe you should have slowed down with the Champagne," she said with a frown.

Sebastian once again let his eyes roll back in his head as he continued walking toward the door. "Maybe you should have slowed down with the two bottles of wine you downed by yourself yesterday."

Before Sebastian could open the door, his mom grabbed his wrist and pulled him closer, her nails digging into his skin. "Where do you think you're going?"

"I'm meeting a friend," Sebastian explained as he pulled his arm away from her.

"There's brunch in the dining room. Your sister and father are in there waiting for us."

"I'd rather starve," Sebastian frowned and walked out the door, ignoring screams from his mother to come back inside and join the family for breakfast. The last thing he wanted was to spend another meal with the three of them.

As Sebastian got into his car and turned the key, he heard his phone ringing and smiled when he saw it was Blaine. "Hey," he answered, trying to disguise the excitement in his voice.

"Hey, I'm really sorry but I have to cancel our plans today."

Sebastian's smile instantly transformed into a frown as he listened to Blaine. "Why?" He didn't even notice how disappointed he was until he heard it in his own voice. Part of him hoped Blaine wouldn't notice, but another part wished it would change his mind.

For Real This TimeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora