chapter 1

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Hermione's pov 

it was my sixth year at hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry.  And i hope that this will be a year without drama but that issen't possible when your best friend is harry potter.

speaking of him. Harry potter my best friend and my crush since third year when he had a huge glow up. And since then i got a crush i tried to get over it but it just coudn't. even when i wanted it so much. I Hermione Granger was in love with Harry Potter my best friend. 

I wish harry would like me back. but that wont ever happen. I know he is in love with Ginny i can see the way he looks at her, and of course ginny likes him back she has since she was 10 years old. at this moment ginny is dating Dean Thomas. but she doesn't like him she is trying to get over Harry but she can't she told my multiple times. im her best friend and she keeps asking me who i like i never told her ofcourse because if she will finds out she will tell everyone and Harry and Ron. Ron likes me i know cuz Harry told me. but back to ginny and me if she will find out about my crush she wont talk to me ever again im sure about that. i don't know what do. but i will just act the same as always and act like nothing is wrong.

i woke up this morning wrong a nightmare. Harry found out about my crush and yell at me and said he never wanted to see me again and ginny slapped me and ron just walked away. but thank god it was just a nightmare. well i got ready for classes en went down stairs and saw harry and ron waiting for me. we walked to the great hall. and we sit down. and like always ron start eating like a pig and harry was eating a little. i wondered what was wrong well i will ask him later. we all got double potions the now . i still don't like that book from Harry i don't likt the half blood prince but i can't stop Harry from using it. but slughorn likes Harry alot he is his best student. I hate it. He just make the potionts correct cuz of that stupid book. well after potions we had a break. Ginny walked up to us and she seemed very stressed out. well that issen't  a suprise. with her OWLS and the emerging quidditch match. 'hey guys, have you seem dean?' she asked. 'no, sorry ginny.' answered Harry. 'ugh where is that asshole well bye guys see u later.' 'bye.' we all said.

the next lesson was herbology. we hate it but neville liked it alot. the lesson was very boring like always but im trying my best. alfter herbology the lessons for today where over and i went to the libary to study harry and ron went to the common room. and make some homework but knowing they probaly will do nothing.

Harry's pov 

After Hermione went to the libary me and Ron went to the commen room to make some homework. yes we did some homework. but i started daydreaming about the quiddictch match tomorrow. then my though went to hermione yes Hermione. I liked Hermione since first year and couldn't come over it. Hermione thoughd i had a crush on ginny but no she is like a sister to me. Hermione likes ron though. so i wont have a chance but a man can still hope right. she is just so beautifall that i can't help myself. with her eyes so beautifall brown her bushy hair and her beautif- 'Harry!' said Ron. 'yeah?'i ask. 'you where daydreaming mate, hold your head at your homework okay.''fine.' a few minutes later ron asks me: 'what where you dreaming about?'' oh nothing.''well it was something cuz you zoned out, come on tell me.' 'no it was nothing Ron okay.''was it a girl or something?'I blushed. ' i take that as a yes.' ron smirked.'Who?' i ignored Ron. 'Harry come on im your best friend you can tell me.' 'nahh not telling you, well i got to go thinking what we going to do at the training tonight i see you later.' harr-' ' bye ron!' 'Harry! ugh.' i walked up stairs to get my book that i need to bring to the libary. yes i like to read i takes my mind of my problems. 

so i decided to walk to the libary. when i came there i brought my books to madame prince. and choose some new books. will i chooses some new books i saw hermione studying. my heart skipped a beat will i walked to her.'hey 'mione' what ya doing?' 'oh hey Harry i could ask you the same thing.' 'im choosing some new books to read you?' im studying.' said hermione. 'ofcourse you are why did i even ask.' that mad hermione laugh. 'you know me harry.but when are you going to studying for charms?' 'you know me to hermione im not going to study.' 'ofcourse you don't but i don't care  even if i have to force force your going to study harry james potter.' urgh why mionee.' 'cuz you can't fail again harry come on go sit down .' 'fine' harry sit down next to hermione and she helpt him study until hermione fell asleep with her head on my shoulder.

My heart skipped a beat again will hermione slept on my shoulder. so i decided to hold her and read a book. 

Hermione's pov 

when i woke up i felt someone holding me. Not just someone, but harry! omg i fell asleep on his shoulder and oh my god im freaking out. what should i do. just act normal okay. so i'woke up' and saw Harry reading will he hold me.  why is he so cute will he read? and his hair is so- 'hey 'mione ' had a nice nap?' 'yeah thanks for letting me sleep.' 'that's fine you need to sleep more hermione' 'i be fine Harry.' 'no Hermione sleep more okay' 'okay Harry ' i said will i cuddled deeper in his arms. i saw Harry smile at that. so i wrapped my arms around his neck and burrowed my head in his neck. Harry only hold me closer and cuddled with me.

i loved it.


 this is my first book im making.

im sorry if there are some spelling mistakes i got dyslexia and im dutch but  i try my best. you can ask my questions about me if you want cuz i have nothing to do with my life soo byee hope you injoyed the first chapter of my book about Harmione i try to write when i have time cuz next week im buzy with school but after that i have holidays so i probley while write some more. besides im 13 so yeahh sorry if this chapter sucks:)

and now realy goodbye see you in the next chapter! 

I will find my way to you// HarmioneWhere stories live. Discover now