The Wrong Kind Of Thank You

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Steven rubbed the afternoon nap from his eyes and stretched. He was still catching up on sleep from keeping Connie company. Connie had been sexually clean and healthy for almost another week now and she seemed happier, if not a little confused.

The sun was just setting over the horizon when his phone sounded the telltale chime of Connie's ringtone.

He smiled to himself subconsciously and before the second ring he had it to his ear. "Hello?"


Steven frowned at the sound of her overly chipper voice. "Yeah, what's up? Are you okay? Do I need to come and get you?"

"I'm fine. Just a bit tired. Can I come over later? I could use some company." Something about the way she said the last part made Steven raise an eyebrow but when he agreed, the edge went away.

"Okay, I'll see you soon, Connie. Can't wait." He put down his phone and drummed his fingers on the counter. He had a bad feeling in his gut, but there was nothing to back it up.

For the next 20 minutes, Steven paced with the heavy inkling that something was wrong. It made his skin crawl, so he poured himself a shot of tequila to loosen up his thoughts a little.

He turned on the stove and then turned it off again. He locked up the knives, wondering if he was worried she would try to kill herself. He poured himself another shot and locked away the tequila, not wanting to be drunk when Connie arrived.

No sooner did he lock it away did the doorbell ring and the door open to reveal a deliciously dressed Connie.

"Hey, Steven." She grinned and clasped her hands behind her back in an innocent gesture.

"He-hey, Connie." He breathed. He kept forgetting how much he lived for the little white sundress he bought for her when she got better. It glowed on her, giving her an angelic look, while also keeping an undertone of sexiness to it.

He found himself looking at her legs as she turned around to shut the door. He saw the slight bend, the unnecessary bend, her knees did as she locked it.

"Steven!" Her face was knowing as she walked up to him, hugging him and breathing deep. "You're gawking."

"Sorry, I'm a little tipsy, I think." He chuckled as he broke out of his trance.  He winced when her thighs rubbed against him and he pulled away abruptly. "Can I get you anything? Tea? Soda?"

"I'll have some tequila, thank you." Her grin was undying. "You smell of it, just slightly, and now I have a hankering."

The hairs on his neck stood up when he heard her whisper the last part. He hardly remembered pouring and serving her as he thought about what she meant.

"So, Connie. How've you been since we last met?"

"Mmm, I've been fine. Just milling about. I get a little bored just wandering but I know I'll come to my senses once the warm weather comes back in."

"Yeah, I was glad to see the sun setting today instead of just darkness."

Connie's eyes sparkled as she leaned in closer. "Me too."

Steven stared into her eyes a moment too long, before swallowing a large portion of his glass and standing behind the couch.

He knew what the bad feeling was. But it wasn't bad. It just was something he hadn't felt in a long time.

"Steven," Connie took a step towards him, her leg skirting out from her dress and her eyes all too knowing of his inner struggle. He instinctively took a step back, feeling strangely... hunted. "I've been wanting to thank you..." She took another small but sure step, smiling wider when Steven's back hit a wall. "-for everything."

Steven's breath caught in his throat. He was trapped. His brain was foggy, but he could tell something was happening to his body that he should be able to control. "C-Connie. I shouldn't... I- you don't have to."

She unzipped her dress and let it slide down her shoulders, down her stomach, and down her hips. "Oh Steven." She tossed her hair up in a messy pony and smiled. "I want to. It's my 'thank you' gift." Her head rested on his thigh and he bit his lip in frustration. He should be able to control this want.

His chest tightened when she traced the outline of him through his pants with a feather light touch. "I'm glad to see you want me too." She tugged down his pants.

"Connie... I... I didn't mean-"

"Hush. Let me thank you." She placed her lips on his cock through his boxers, making him groan outloud. "Jesus, I forgot how massive you are."

"Please~." He couldnt tell if he was begging her to stop, or keep going.

"As you wish, my Diamond." She crooned.

Ohhh shit..." If anyone else called him that, he would have flipped, but in the moment, it made his body burn for her touch.

His boxers were off in the next minute and his length was in her hand being pumped slowly. "Oh god, Connie... you shouldn't be..."

"Nonsense." She tightened her grip and pumped faster.

"I- this is wrong!" He moaned, tugging on his hair.

"Then tell me to stop," She sped up, her hand gripping him even firmer. She was good. Too good. She was an expert.

Steven's knees buckled and he braced his hand against the wall, trying to form a coherent thought. "Connie..." His balls tightened and he threw his head back. "This shouldn't be happening!!"

"Then tell me to stop!" Connie challenged before taking his dick down her throat without so much as a twinge.

Steven growled deeply, hardly keeping himself from busting as he grabbed her face, turning her eyes up toward him. "You don't have to do this. You- you don't have to do this." Even as his words spilled out, his hips thrust into her involuntarily when she started stroking him with her tongue.

"Zen tew me tah staw!!" She shouted around him.

"This isn't fair!" He rammed into her mouth and almost passed out from the mix of bliss and alcohol and crippling guilt. "They've already taken so much from you. I can't take from you!" He forced himself to stop and gritted his teeth.

Connie sucked hard and withdrew from him, her eyes burning. "Then think of it as giving."

His legs gave out and she took him back down her throat, ignoring his pleas for forgiveness as he came violently at her relentless sucking.

His breathing slowed and he went limp, falling asleep in a matter of moments. Connie smiled grimly and cleaned him up, receiving light grunts and moans. She tugged his pants back up and nuzzled into him, tears streaming down her face when he embraced her lovingly.

"I love you." She said almost inaudibly.

"I love you more. I always have."

***********Hours later*************

Steven woke up on the kitchen floor, memories slowly coming back to him. His hangover was painful, but the absence in his arms and the guilt in his chest was moreso.

It was still dark out, the moons half waned face shining through the window.

He couldn't believe what he just did.


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