2 - Rope of fate

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My whole body went into panic mode. I tried to scream, my hand automatically grabbing the person's arm to pull it off. But just as I was about to elbow the person behind me, I heard her familiar voice.

"Shh! Sana, it's me! Just be quiet!" She whispered. Her faux abduction was still making my heart beat quicker, but she soon let go, and I tentatively turned to face her. Kumiko's face was faintly illuminated by the moonlight, her features both calm and heavy. A mix of confusion and relief came over me as I took her in. It's really her.

I didn't know whether to hug her or shove her; she was here, and she was alive, after all those weeks of uncertainty. Finally, I made up my mind, and threw my arms around her with an unbelievable force. Momo meowed from the sudden collision, but I couldn't yet bring myself to pull away. "Kumiko. I didn't know whether you were dead or alive." I mumble to her. When I felt my fresh tears burning my knuckles, I pulled back from her, giving her a look. "You idiot. Mai and I searched for you every day for two weeks. And we put up flyers!"

Kumiko chuckled at that, shifting her weight from foot to foot. "How is it my fault that I ended up here? I don't know if I'm dead or alive either." She told me. For a second we took in each other's pained expressions, my breathing getting calmer as I slowly accepted the situation. It was obvious she was about to explain something, hopefully everything, when Momo peeked out from my pocket, causing her to scrunch her eyebrows in confusion. "Is that Momo?"

I wipe down the leftover tears from my cheeks. "Yes, it's him. The damned cat scared me at the staircase so I took him with me."

Kumiko nodded in understanding, letting out a low hum. In that moment, she must've remembered the real reason we were here, because she gave me a grimaced look before continuing. "You came at the worst time. We have to go inside now, but I need you to calm down first, otherwise you risk looking like a newcomer."

I frown at her words. "Newcomer? Inside? What are you talking about?"

But she only sighs at my words, glancing towards the playground. "It's a game. You need to play it in order to survive. You'll be competing against the other players, which is why it's important that you look collected. Don't take it lightly, because you will die." She says hurriedly. My eyes widen at her words, and my mouth automatically opens in hopes of asking some questions, but she stops me with a finger to my mouth. "No time. I'll explain everything else later. Just...follow my lead for now."

As Kumiko finishes her speech, leaving me even more confused than I was before, she swiftly wipes my cheeks from the tears, then hurries over to the playground. My body didn't follow suit immediately, and I had to make myself break the shock of her story and follow her. Nothing of that made sense - but I'll be damned if I didn't trust Kumiko. It's her, so whatever her plan was, it sure wasn't to endanger me.

I watched as Kumiko stepped into the playground and calmly walked up to a table filled with cellphones. I didn't have time to wonder why they were there and if they even worked before she took one for herself and turned towards the necklaces. Taking that as well, she clasped it around her neck and walked towards the edge of the park. Once the shock had worn off, I carefully took a few steps forward, examining the surroundings. Momo shifted in my pocket, peeking outside as well, and something inside of me told me this was no place for a cat. Gently, I took him in my arms and placed him back on the ground, careful not to throw him in the process. The look of betrayal he gave me was painful, but I didn't have any time to dwell on a cat's feelings. Kumiko looked at me expectingly, causing me to pass over the threshold and step inside. As I took the people around me in, I immediately got hit by a wave of nervousness. To think I was so fearless with approaching them before - I'd be a joke right about now. Trying not to let it show, I took one of the phones and unlocked it.

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