6 - Tick Tock Toe

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"You know, I think we could probably find some other arena." I say, my eyes scanning the sketchy building. Momo meowed in my arms, seemingly in agreement.

"Hm, I don't think it's going to be any less scary." Kumiko replies, making me nod in agreement. I suppose that was a valid point too. The building looked like an old store, but more eerie. "I'll be fine. I'll see you after the game."

I feel strange, leaving her there to face it on her own, but I know it'd be worse if I came along, so I make myself nod. Kumiko had two days less on her visa than I did, so I insisted on accompanying her today. In the end, I wasn't very comforting. It came down to me smiling in encouragement and watching her pass through the threshold, entering the game. I can only hope she'll come back tonight.

Her silhouette soon disappears behind one of the corners in the store, making me snap out of my trance. There's no use in waiting here, at the very entrance, so I scan the area behind me. I suppose, if I had to make myself comfortable with waiting for Kumiko somewhere, this wasn't such a bad location. And Momo does provide some level of comfort. There's even a bench across the road, and frankly my legs could use a break already. To be fair, the most useful thing I could actually do right now is go to the store while I wait for her, maybe pick up some food and water. But my laziness overpowers me, and I sink into the metal bench. I can give myself a few minutes before I need to get up, right?

My thoughts are interrupted when a car comes rushing towards the arena, loud screams already echoing off the street. The Beachers get out of the car, laughing wildly and waving their guns around as if they were drunk. But that wasn't the most alarming thing; as they climbed out of the car, my eyes stopped on one of them in particular. There he stood, the Angry Swimsuit from my previous game, swinging a handgun around as if it was a toy. As his eyes scanned the street, my breathing practically stopped. I think about running but something inside of me stops me. With my luck, they'll shoot me down. His gaze suddenly lands on me, making me freeze on the spot. Maybe he's not sober enough to remember me. Maybe I didn't actually make an impression on that game. All theories came crashing down as soon as he grinned, confirming the worst.

"Hey, hey! Look who it is!" He yells, turning the attention of others towards me as well. This is not going well. Just run. "This is that chick from the diamonds game, the one I told you about," he says, looking at his friends for confirmation. They all smile in understanding, now looking at me like I am some sort of prey. If there was ever a time to run, this is it. But all I managed to do was to stuff the damned cat inside my pocket. "Why don't you join us at our game?" He asks, scanning me.

I gulp. "That's not...You don't want that," I answer, laughing slightly out of nervousness. They were now crossing the road, they gaze fixated on me. The large guns at their back made me reconsider my running plan. Talking my way out of it might be my best shot. But as they came face to face with me, I realize in what a horrible position I actually was. Angry lifts an eyebrow, asking for some clarification. "I just, I mean what if it's a hearts game? Maybe it'd be better if I just waited out here."

"Oh don't be silly, we can't leave you out here all alone," A tall, black-haired man suddenly spoke up from the other side of the road. I didn't even realize one of them hadn't crossed over, and looking at him made me wonder why. He was probably the scariest of them all, his metal piercings shining against his head, a rifle swung over his shoulder. Once he came closer to me, he continued. "If it's a hearts game, we'll just shoot you."

The men beside me cheer as I swallow the lump in my throat. This is definitely not going well. I try to consider my options, but the men start pushing me towards the arena almost immediately. They'll shoot me outside if I run, and shoot me inside if I fight them. Without thinking, words just come pouring out of my mouth, "I'll be more useful to your boss if you just let me wait outside, unharmed!" I yell, trying to fight off their grips on my forearms. "He might reward you."

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