💕Lucifer x mc honey~

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Requested by ElenaH179
() authors note
* thinking
" talking
This is responsible Lucifer with fluffs on the top


Third POV
You were currently sitting in your room bored your boyfriend had a meeting and everyone one else was busy you did your homework and have been sitting on your phone (d.d.d) for a couple of hours now and you battery wasn't gonna hold up that long so you put it aside so it would rest and got out of your room to see if you can find anyone and as you were passing by the entrance asmo came in with the brightest smile and was dancing all around.

Asmo's POV
I was just invited to a party this is the best thing ever I mean ofcourse I would be invited who wouldn't invite me I'm gorgeous it's an honor to have me at your party but I was thinking maybe I could take someone with me after all I was told that I could bring a plus one. I entered the house of lamentation (H.O.L) and the first person I saw was mc *oh I definitely know who I'm gonna bring with me* I went over to them and greeted them "hey darling~~ what are you doing here all alone" they said that they were bored and no one is around so they were searching to see if they could do anything and ofcourse I knew that *In that case they can one hundred percent go to the party it's not like they have any plans so why not ask them to come along I'm sure they'll enjoy it*.

Mc's POV
I was talking with asmo when he suddenly zoned out I waited for him to come back to reality but he stayed there for a good minute so I snapped my fingers infront of his face and called out his name that seemed to get his attention I asked what was he thinking about so he looked at me and suddenly asked "mc will you go to a party with me I can have a plus one and since you don't have any plans let's go together" I thought about it for a little I mean he is right it's not like I have anything to do but I don't know about going to party he seemed to figure out what I was thinking about and started pleading with his "cute face" as he calls it. Eventually I gave in and he looked like a child who got a lollipop for being good.

Third POV
Asmo dragged mc to his room opened his closet and started picking out outfits matching them together and having a quick chit-chat with mc it took him about 45 minutes to get the clothes done then he told you that you should take a shower maybe a bath and even though he knows you're dating Lucifer he still asked you to join him you declined politely and went to take your own shower after you were both done you put on your clothes on.

Asmo's POV
After I was done showering I put on my clothes and did my hair then mc knocked and came in they looked stunning I grabbed their hand and put them in a chair beside me I started doing their hair since it was still wet from the shower so it was easier to do after and hour or so I was done and they looked amazing not more that me but still wow.

Mc's POV
Asmo just finished my hair he's gonna do his makeup then mine so we started talking and after he was done he started with my makeup. And after what seemed like hours he was finally done we got up I stretched a bit then we went to the party.

Third POV
You and asmo arrived there was a lot of people so a lot of dancing and a lot of drinking too you kind off regretted that you came cause usually no matter how messy the party was it would never get like this and the problem was that this is the begging of the party imagine what would it look like at the end of it.

Asmo POV
I took mc to the drinks and poured a cup for each of us at first they said that they don't want to drink and were really persistent on it and let me drink my first few by myself but eventually they gave in I mean I was practically annoying the hell out of them and the drink was literally right infront of their face.

Mc's POV
After a couple of drinks me and asmo danced talked met some friends and classmates and in general were having fun maybe this wouldn't be so bad after all.

Lucifer POV
I just finished the meeting and was going back I lowkey miss mc I hope my brothers aren't making them regret their life decisions I then notice that I had already arrived at the house of lamentation (H.O.L) I guess I was to tired to notice the distance that I walked I was in deep thought after all I went in and the house was quiet I checked on everyone to make sure nothing was going on I found them all asleep in their rooms I see I wasn't the only one tired today but I didn't find asmo so he's probably at some party again I went to check on mc but I didn't find them I had already put my stuff in my room so I went into their room but didn't find anything other that mc's phone (d.d.d) on their bed and it had a low battery percentage so I put it in the charger for them but then something caught my eye mc's pajamas they were on their bed so that means they're out, without their phone (d.d.d), and didn't bother to tell anyone but then I remembered that asmo wasn't here either so my only guess is that they're at a party together so I picked up my phone (d.d.d) and went to look for them at the party there was this very big party happening tonight so I'm pretty sure asmo dragged them there.

Asmo POV
I was with mc they were drunk and not just a little I was keeping an eye on them after all Lucifer will kill me if something happened usually i wouldn't want mc to be this drunk because of Lucifer but today he had a meeting and a very busy one so I don't think he'll be finishing any time soon.

Third POV
Asmo thought that he was off the hook but he was wrong since Lucifer was right around the corner thinking about beating him up for not telling anyone.

Mc's POV
I am at a party I think I dont know I can't really comprehend that much but then suddenly I see Lucifer I ran up to him and clung onto him he put his arms around me possessivly and went to asmo told him that he'll have his way with him later on so he wouldn't there so called "good mood" then he proceeded to go out of that place with you.

Lucifer POV
Mc was clinging onto me so I carried them home coala style it was cute not gonna lie we got to the house and I laid them on the bed I brought them pain killers and water they took them then slept I decided to change and set my stuff down then I went to the bathroom but I felt mc hug me I looked at them and they looked sobered up a little so I told them to take a shower just to feel fresh and after they were done I took one we brushed our teeth they were wearing some of my clothes they looked nice in them.

Mc's POV
After Lucifer took care of me making sure I got home safely and took a shower he got into bed with me and cuddled up to me making me feel all safe, warm, and cozy then he started talking he told me that next time I want to go somewhere to tell him cause if something happened he needed to know where I was especially if I was out drinking since it makes me so vulnerable and he's the only one who's aloud to see me that vulnerable cause he's my boyfriend and I could always rely on him in everything and I can be comfortable around him since i know he wouldn't do anything unlike other demons that can totally try and take advantage of the situation even if they'll know that they might get into very big trouble with him but they still do it so he wants me to be careful and to not worry he can always have his way around things he is the eldest of the seven lords after all and can find out everything so no need to get scared but he just feels more comfortable if he knew were I was so I promised him to never do anything without him knowing and he was happy to hear that. That night we both slept cuddling each other comfortably feeling like the whole world is at our hands.

Third POV
It was one of the best nights ever feeling like there's nothing waiting for you or any responsibilities in other words it was a peaceful night that you guys would never forget.

Third POV It was one of the best nights ever feeling like there's nothing waiting for you or any responsibilities in other words it was a peaceful night that you guys would never forget

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Thank you for reading and sorry for the long wait 🥰🥰

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